Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

122 of 22 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
Maxima Nightlies Nightly builds of maxima, a free and powerful Computer Algebra... 2 113
maxima builds PPA, which contains next maxima-related packages: * maxima - f... 2 8
PPA This PPA includes some latest upstream versions of packages, w... 11 55
wxMaxima In this PPA I provide wxMaxima 18.02.0 -- GUI for the computer... 1 5
Backports Backported packages for the current LTS 8 49
Maths Updates and new math programs for Ubuntu. Actually contains l... 39 130
Maxima Backports 3 10
PPA for Christophe Sauthier (huats) 4 17
Daniele E. Domenichelli PPA 8 93
Kubuntu Backports Backports of new versions of KDE Platform, Plasma and Applicat... 399 5622
Kubuntu CI Unstable Direct landing PPA - very unstable DO NOT USE THIS UNLESS YOU... 406 5282
Kubuntu Staging KDE Applications Work in progress KDE Applications packages, DO NOT USE ON PRO... 230 813
Personal Ubuntu Builds PUB is my package archive. It contains programs not presented ... 7 74
kde-test-bad 6 11
KDE 5.80.x - backports (Xenial & newer) Backport of KDE 5.80 stack (and dependencies) for Xenial, Bion... 407 3925
Kubuntu Backports 247 809
Kubuntu CI Stable Direct landing PPA - highly fluctuating DO NOT USE THIS UNLES... 377 7447
TEST It is just a test PPA!!! 2 2
enigma-1312-backports enigma-1312-backports KDE firefox homerun-kciker ksuperkey 113 526
netrunner-16-official netrunner-16-official Plasma , Frameworks 265 748
visualvm 4 4
wxMaxima Nightlies Automated nightly builds of wxMaxima. The wxMaxima team tries... 1 34
122 of 22 results