Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

131 of 31 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
Django 1.7 & Celery 3 for Trusty Build sequence: billiard python-redis python-amqp python3-dja... 19 61
python-nose nose provides an alternate test discovery and running process ... 1 18
PPA for David Fraser jaunty 9.04: * farsight2 - build of latest upstream for pidgi... 47 156
python-pytest The pytest testing tool makes it easy to write small tests, ye... 1 4
Ubuntu Make build dependencies This ppa is used for developers not working on latest LTS, in ... 5 19
Django 1.11 LTS Copy of Debian django 1.11 packages from experimental 2 6
Test packages A repository for me to upload test packages. Is most likely to... 11 38
Unstable PPA Contains "unstable" backports and imports for Ubuntu LTS relea... 28 39
advocate 6 17
openstack-heat-docker Docker plugin for OpenStack Heat 7 12
python-urllib3 python-urllib3 backport from xenial -> trusty, for ubuntu-tool... 2 5
random This PPA provides packages for building the openage project in... 16 78
stacktach Packages of the individual StackTach 3 modules 23 60
Certbot PPA The PPA has been DEPRECATED. To get up to date instructions o... 43 170
Personal Certbot PPA (Test Packages) 48 181
Ricardo Kirkner's PPA 2 4
Backports This is where I test all my Backports 12 33
Extras 32 54
PPA for Max Brustkern 15 64
PPA for Pylons PPA 23 41
PPA named benchmarking for Max Brustkern 5 11
chrisrox process yay! 20 21
Certbot Build PPA (don't use this, use ppa:certbot/certbot) This is a PPA where main builds happens and are transfered to ... 55 227
Django 4.2 in mantic 154 231
MetPX Main Repository For MetPX Releases 19 130
MetPX Daily MetPX project daily builds for metpx-sarracenia and metpx-sund... 20 115
OpenStack Build Depends Backports of packages needed for OpenStack. 44 327
PPA for Jyrki Pulliainen PPA for my software 1 1
Python Upgraded Python libraries. Mostly focuses on python3, will not... 26 54
dev Development packages used in the kx environment - mostly backp... 164 562
python-watchdog Filesystem events monitoring. Python API and shell utilities ... 8 17
131 of 31 results