Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

131 of 31 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
python-crypto-lp2022372 test package for uca python-cryptography fix 2 6
Python Cryptography Backport Backport of Python Cryptography from 15.10 to 14.04 5 10
Python IDNA Backport python-idna: Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (I... 1 2
Encryption - various (Xenial & newer) Encryption PPA (gnutls28 3.7.3, ssl 1.1.1w, and more) for Xeni... 74 748
Matrix 23 58
Stoq 3 16 56
Rally backport 75 212
rally-test 75 212
Unstable PPA Contains "unstable" backports and imports for Ubuntu LTS relea... 28 39
Stoq 2to3 37 140
Stoq | Lançamentos PPA utilizado para lançamentos do Stoq. Este PPA contem a últ... 41 326
Stoq | Unstable Pacotes com a versão em desenvolvimento do stoq. Evitar a uti... 40 298
Open Media Library Open Media Library is a local web application that lets you ma... 10 75
Test packages A repository for me to upload test packages. Is most likely to... 11 38
Stoq | Beta PPA utilizado para lançamentos de versões Beta do Stoq. Para ... 24 107
Stoq 3 28 238
Stoq 3 | Lançamento 26 95
rpi3 10 29
Package backports for my machines This PPA contains the backports I use on my machines. You shou... 9 28
Certbot Build PPA (don't use this, use ppa:certbot/certbot) This is a PPA where main builds happens and are transfered to ... 55 227
trusty-mitaka 35 117
Backports of Open-Source Tools 5 12
PPA for Stefano Rivera Staging area, bug fixes, new packages (release pocket) This P... 13 22
Certbot PPA The PPA has been DEPRECATED. To get up to date instructions o... 43 170
Personal Certbot PPA (Test Packages) 48 181
AY Xenial Backports Packages from newer versions Ubuntu backported to Xenial 4 11
fdroidserver This PPA includes the latest fdroidserver and all of the packa... 47 267
WoTT Let's Encrypt for IoT (with more bells and whistles). 21 26
misc-ppa 3 36
trusty-mitaka 8 13
Reddit test ppa 6 6
131 of 31 results