Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

111 of 11 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
Neon Qt == BASE == qtbase-opensource-src ---- qtdeclarative-opensource... 18 188
Staging PPA My Staging PPA We'll see what builds and what fails to build ... 2 7
qt-opensource backport of qt-opensource from debian 22 53
Qt with GLES2 Qt 5 built for i386 with -opengl es2 configure flag set. 12 95
Qt experiments 2 9 93
qt-gles-test 9 102
prueba3 9 100
Qt 5.12 backport 9 99
qtwebengine Important note: It's recommended to run `ppa-purge ppa:blaze/... 4 85
qtwebengine staging Do not use this ppa. Development only Look for packages at pp... 3 113
Drone 4 29
111 of 11 results