Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

110 of 10 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
Backport of unity from Quantal to Precise This PPA provides a backport for Unity 6.x (for 12.10 / Quanta... 14 77
Nick's PPA Contains software I have patched to "fix" things which bothere... 4 124
Dash Purchase Testing Preliminary packages for testing of in-dash purchasing. 12 138
Experimental feature stacks (certified) Daily build of a feature stack certified by tests. You should... 42 72
Experimental feature stacks (prevalidation) Daily build of a feature stack for certification before copyin... 49 106
Linaro Graphics Working Group Daily Component Builds 17 160
PPA for pre-release testing with unity 6.0 10 52
PPA for unity-lens-music quantal pre-release testing 2 16
PPA for unity-lens-music precise SRU pre-release testing 1 2
Ubuntu quick fixes 5 22
110 of 10 results