Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

19 of 9 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
Mesa Haswell stable Stabilna mesa dla Haswell w górę 11 325
Mesa Haswell testing Testowa mesa dla Haswell w górę 11 214
Mesa Ryzen stable Stabilna mesa dla Ryzena w górę 11 236
Mesa Ryzen testing Testowa mesa dla Ryzena w górę 11 212
Mesa stable Mesa stable Optimus for NeteXt'73 11 238
Mesa testing mesa testing dla NeteXt'73 11 214
SDL2 Backport to Bionic Backport of SDL2 library 13 107
Wayland Packages built with configuration from 6 154
Xorg gestures PPA This PPA contains packages of the Xorg X server and related li... 6 60
19 of 9 results