adduser (3.108ubuntu1) intrepid; urgency=low
* Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
- Allow uppercase letters in the names of system users.
This is done by having a separate NAME_REGEX_SYSTEM configuration
setting which applies when --system is specified.
adduser (3.108) unstable; urgency=low
[ Joerg Hoh ]
* also ignore ".dpkg-save" files when populating the new homedir initially.
(Closes: #452864)
* deluser: fix order of arguments to tar. Thanks to Otto Visser.
(Closes: #481352)
[ Stephen Gran ]
* Use $ENV{PERL_DL_NONLAZY}=1 in eval of module loading to catch XS module
ABI mismatches
* Get rid of two infinite loops (closes: #417291). Incidentally, this
(closes: #405905) by changing to assume yes to avoid going around the loop
* Add group games to the default list for EXTRA_GROUPS (closes: #435642)
* New translations:
- fr (thanks Nicolas François <email address hidden>)
(closes: #478089, #478087)
- hy (thanks Vardan Gevorgyan <email address hidden>)(closes: #475147)
- ru (thanks Yuri Kozlov <email address hidden>)(closes: #473286)
- sv (thanks Martin Bagge <email address hidden>)(closes: #483436)
-- Soren Hansen <email address hidden> Wed, 25 Jun 2008 18:55:03 +0200