alien (8.81) unstable; urgency=low
* Avoid uninitialized value warning when debian/rules fails to run
due to alien being run in a noexec directory. Closes: #579216
* Prevent DESTROY stomping on alien's exit code sometimes.
* Support extracting lzma compressed RPMs.
(Patch by unnamed person on some bug tracking system I don't frequent.)
* Suggest lzma. If not installed, alien will still fail to decompress
RPMs using it, but will support most rpms, which are not.
* Fix precedence problem that prevented alien from preserving permissions
of suid/sgid binaries that are not owned by root.
(Patch by Duane Waddle, on a bug tracking system I don't frequent, that
was about the "expire" it 4 days from now. We got lucky Duane, but please
use the Debian BTS next time!)
* Support RPMs containing ghost files.
(Patch by Ben Webb, who would get his patches applied quicker if he
actually communicated them to the program's author.)
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Tue, 18 May 2010 11:15:47 +0100