aoetools (11-1.1) unstable; urgency=high
* Non-maintainer upload.
* Have the init script opportunistically modprobe aoe, and exit out
if $INTERFACES == none before checking for /dev/etherd, so that the
PACKAGE installs cleanly on unconfigured systems; patch from
Steve Langasek. (Closes: #391345)
aoetools (11-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release:
- Use POSIX shell math instead of relying on bc or dc (closes: #377431).
* The introduced changes, as is, do not work with discs bigger than 2 GB.
The problem is that POSIX arithmetic is limited to 2147483648, but not in
bash. Probably upstream author (and Warren Turkal) have /bin/sh pointing
to /bin/bash, so he (they) did not see the problem. Changed all the
scripts using bashisms to use /bin/bash.
* debian/rules: Binaries should go to /sbin instead to /usr/sbin. If not,
we are preventing users from using AoE volumes in the early boot process,
as well as for hosting the /usr directory. Many thanks to Warren Turkal
for pointing out this (closes: #388335).
* debian/control:
- Added aoe-revalidate to the list of included tools.
- Bumped policy version to
* Added /etc/default/aoetools and /etc/init.d/aoetools in order to
initialize AoE devices just after network goes up (position 41 in runlevel
S). Added a README-Debian about this subject. This closes: #387552.
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Tue, 07 Nov 2006 00:51:25 +0000