apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu (1.3.1) vivid; urgency=medium
* ubuntu/ubuntu-sdk:
- explicitly deny reads on ~/.cache/QML/Apps/ to silence noisy denials.
Undo this when LP: 1381620 is fixed in qtdeclarative-opensource-src
- explicitly deny dbus bind on name="org.freedesktop.Application" since
it is noisy. Undo this when LP: 1378823 is fixed in ubuntu-ui-toolkit
* ubuntu/1.3/ubuntu-sdk: drop html5-container policy. html5 apps should use
webapp-container and specify the 'webview' policy group with 1.3 (15.04)
policy (LP: #1392461)
* ubuntu/ubuntu-scope-network, pending/ubuntu-scope-local-content: allow
scopes to read data from the apps data dir (LP: #1384286)
* adjust all dbus rules to use peer=(label=unconfined) to prevent
coordinated communications between apps over DBus (LP: #1383824)
* ubuntu/{music,pictures,video}_files*: allow access to global SD card
directories (LP: #1391930)
* debian/control: Depends on apparmor >= 2.8.98-0ubuntu2~ for the dbus peer
changes (we need at least apparmor_parser 2.9.beta4 for these)
-- Jamie Strandboge <email address hidden> Mon, 15 Dec 2014 15:53:32 +0000