base-files (7.2ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=medium
* Merge with Debian; remaining changes:
- Branding changes.
- Add /etc/lsb-release file.
- Add lsb-release-udeb package.
- Various bashrc extensions.
- Do not install /usr/local dirs with staff group writeability, as there
are cases where somebody can become any user but root (like NFS).
- Update the motd upgrade handling to know about /etc/motd.tail.
- Add default /etc/networks file.
- Added information about the docs web page.
- Restore order line in /etc/host.conf with a comment.
- Add update-motd scripts.
base-files (7.2) unstable; urgency=medium
* Changed issue,, debian_version and os-release to read "jessie/sid",
and dropped VERSION and VERSION_ID from os-release.
base-files (7.1) unstable; urgency=low
* Added Multi-Arch: foreign. This is needed even if base-files is
"Essential: yes" because there are quite a number of packages
having versioned dependencies on it. Closes: #695863.
base-files (7.0) unstable; urgency=low
* Oops. Even if the Breaks on sendfile does not help APT to decide about
the configuration order, removing the breaks is wrong, because then it is
possible to upgrade base-files and not sendfile, which would effectively
break sendfile. Readded Breaks on sendfile.
base-files (7) unstable; urgency=low
* Added 89126d8bba3325594e1539bcc97847f3 to the list of /etc/profile
md5sums which are ok to be replaced by the current default version to
help sendfile to fix its /etc/profile modification bug in a single
upgrade (instead of waiting for the next point release). Closes: #689835.
Drop "unmodified" word in postinst, as it may not always be true.
* Dropped versioned Breaks on sendfile, as it had no effect.
* Changed debian_version, issue, and os-release to read "7.0".
Added also "(wheezy)" in VERSION and PRETTY_NAME.
* Added VERSION and VERSION_ID to /etc/os-release, for release as stable.
Please remember: Applications should not rely on these fields to be set.
* Updated README (wheezy -> jessie).
-- Matthias Klose <email address hidden> Mon, 06 Jan 2014 15:16:41 +0100