bash-completion (20080705ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low
* Merge from Debian, remaining changes: (LP: #314806)
* Add qdbus completion. (LP: #257903)
* Fix IFS issue in _umount and correct _get_cword in _postfix
(LP: #249337)
* Both changes in upstream bzr.
bash-completion (20080705) unstable; urgency=low
[ David Paleino ]
* Added more completions to imagemagick (thanks to Nelson A. de
Oliveira) (Closes: #487786)
* Added xrandr completion (thanks to Anton Khirnov) (Closes: #487825)
* Improving _gdb completion:
- $filenames to $default (Closes: #463969)
- also show directory names (i.e. compgen -d) in COMPREPLY.
- added . to $PATH, to allow debugging "local" executables.
- do not complete Bash's builtins (thanks to Morita Sho)
[ Luk Claes ]
* Remove use of ucf for /etc/bash-completion (Closes: #488171).
bash-completion (20080617.5) unstable; urgency=medium
* Revert way of setting environment variables (Closes: #487774).
* Add equals sign to _get_cword for mutt_aliases (Closes: #482635).
* Enhance mlayer completion (Closes: #487826, #487838).
bash-completion (20080617.4) experimental; urgency=low
[ David Paleino ]
* Merged Ubuntu changes:
- added quote(), quote_readline(), dequote() helper functions.
- added _remove_word()
- fixed _get_cword()
- refactored _filedir using quote_readline()
- refactored _filedir_xspec using quote_readline()
- fixed COMPREPLY's in _iwconfig
- fixed _cvs()
- _known_hosts(): use files from UserKnownHostsFile options in
addition to standard ones.
- fixed _command() to correctly prune the command line
- disabled completion of PostgreSQL users and databases
- fixed _java_packages()
- fixed _muttquery()
- added flv/FLV completion to mplayer
- added --installed to apt-cache
- only complete on filenames for aspell
- fixed code for exclusions compspecs
- added code to gracefully handle debug options (set +/-v)
bash-completion (20080617.3) unstable; urgency=low
[ David Paleino ]
* Fixed IFS for filedir_xspec - Thanks to Stefan Lippers-Hollmann
(Closes: #487571)
[ Luk Claes ]
* Install dh-bash-completion to ease installation of completions.
bash-completion (20080617.2) unstable; urgency=low
[ David Paleino ]
* New upstream release
- provide a manpage for extra/dh_bash-completion
- fix semi-serious problem with _filedir() (Closes: #487449)
* debian/rules:
- added rule to generate dh_bash-completion's manpage
* debian/install, debian/dirs:
- installing dh_bash-completion into /usr/bin
* debian/control:
- new package dh-bash-completion
[ Luk Claes ]
* Comment new package to make sure current fix gets in the archive first.
* Add compression completion for vi(m).
bash-completion (20080617.1) unstable; urgency=medium
[ David Paleino ]
* Urgency set to medium because the package is currently unusable.
* New upstream sub-release
- fixed some typos here and there which prevented bash completions
at all (Closes: #487441).
- really closing Debian bug #455510.
bash-completion (20080617) unstable; urgency=low
[ David Paleino ]
* New upstream release
- add more completions to aptitude (Closes: #432289)
- fixed UTF-8 problem with _get_cword(), thanks to
Andrei Paskevich (Closes: #472132)
- fixed autoremove completion, thanks to Flavio Visentin
(Closes: #474974)
- cmf and CMF added to playmidi completion (Closes: #365658)
- added rrdtool completion, thanks to Justin Pryzby (Closes: #428641)
- added OpenDocument completion for unzip/zipinfo (.od{f,g,p,s,t})
(Closes: #472940)
- fixed escaping problems with job control (i.e. disown, jobs, bg,
fg): the argument is now surrounded by "" (Closes: #347316)
- make mkdir complete also on filenames (Closes: #376433)
- {bz,z}{cat,cmp,diff,egrep,fgrep,grep,less,more} now should complete
on all filenames, not just compressed archives (just commented out)
(Closes: #455510)
- fixes Perl completion (Closes: #470742)
- fixes get_cword -> _get_cword typo (Closes: #478596)
- fixes _get_cword() function to properly handle filenames with
whitespaces (Closes: #394636, #468254, #474094)
- added .pdf.bz2 completion to evince (Closes: #424736)
- added .svg completion to display (Closes: #441017)
- added .m2ts completion to mplayer (Closes: #480879)
- added extra/dh_bash-completion to ease future rewrite of bc.
* debian/copyright - now in a fancier machine-parsable format.
* debian/control:
- added myself to Uploaders
- debhelper Build-Depends updated to >= 6.
* debian/watch:
- improved current watch line regex
- added (commented out) probable future watch line
* debian/compat bumped to 6
* debian/dirs, debian/install and debian/links added
* debian/rules:
- refactored to make use of debian/{dirs,install,links}
[ Steve Kemp ]
* Applied patch to fix completion of umount command.
(Closes: #470539)
* Fixed the completion of Perl manpages.
(Closes: #404976)
* Added 'aif' to the filenames offed for completion for mplayer.
(Closes: #474517)
* Allow tsocks completion.
(Closes: #409423)
* Update mutt completion to handle local usernames.
(Closes: #416655)
* Update apt-get completion to include the flag "--no-install-recommends"
(Closes: #475242)
-- James Westby <email address hidden> Thu, 08 Jan 2009 10:58:40 +0000