batik (1.7.ubuntu-4ubuntu1) karmic; urgency=low
* Fakesync from Debian unstable. Version number bumped because the
previous Ubuntu version 1.7.dfsg is greater than 1.7.
* debian/rules:
- Added a VERSION variable to strip .ubuntu from DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION,
to ensure correct version (1.7) in jar names.
batik (1.7-4) unstable; urgency=low
* Porting fixes from Ubuntu (1.7.dfsg-0ubuntu3) by Onkar Shinde
<email address hidden>:
- add xml-apis-ext and js to classpath for debian/wrappers/squiggle
- promote rhino to a Recommends, as squiggle depends on it
- debian/patches/06_fix_paths_in_policy_files.patch to fix the paths
of the security policy files
* This finally makes squiggle work for Debian ! (closes: #499852)
Many thanks again to Onkar...
batik (1.7-3) unstable; urgency=low
[ Onkar Shinde ]
* debian/rules
- Use DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION at all places.
- Add symlinks batik-<version>.jar and batik.jar pointing to
batik-all-<version>.jar. (Closes: #522340)
* debian/control
- Add myself to 'Uploaders'.
[ Vincent Fourmond ]
* Changed section to java, what currently is in the archive
* Already conforms to standard 3.8.1
* Bumped debhelper compatibility level to 5, and bumped Build-depends
batik (1.7-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Adding xmlgraphics-commons-1.2 and xml-apis-ext to the jars for
the build + corresponding build-deps
* Added Vcs-* fields
[ Sylvestre Ledru ]
* Build class version 49 (instead of 50)
[ Vincent Fourmond ]
* Minor updates to the debian/copyright file
* It seems time has come for an upload to unstable...
* Adding ${misc:Depends} for potential debhelper-induced dependencies
* Tweaking rasterizer.1 to avoid unbreakable lines
batik (1.7-1) experimental; urgency=low
* New upstream release (Closes: #417888, #490556)
* Switched to using java-wrappers for executables; dropping the
/usr/lib/java/ script
* Switched debian/copyright to a machine-readable format
* Added ANT_OPTS to fix the compiler out of memory problem
* Removing 02_fix_jar_target, no longer applicable
* Removing 01_build_xml, as the created target (pdf-transcoder) cannot
be built anymore
* Fixed JAVA_HOME_DIRS so it can build with Sun's java 5
* Strip the full text of the Apache-2.0 license, as it now is
in the common licenses
* Switch to openjdk-6-jdk for building (closes: #397562)
* Several tweaks in debian/rules to build and install all the jars,
based on a patch by Sylvestre Ledru <email address hidden>
* Now depends also on libxml-commons-external-java for SVG parsing
* Conforms to standards 3.8.0
* Updated to work with libxml-commons-external-java
and openjdk (closes: #490621)
* Move wrapper scripts to debian/wrappers, updating debian/rules
* Recommend fop for PDF output of rasterizer
* Removed README.Debian-source: we don't add the fop sources anymore
as those are already packaged in the fop debian package
* Uploading to experimental, as there are potentially much too many
disruptive changes to this package.
-- Maia Kozheva <email address hidden> Thu, 07 May 2009 20:42:20 +0700