cdbs (0.4.41ubuntu1) edgy; urgency=low
* Merge new debian changes
* disable generation of cdbs-doc.pdf, because xsltproc fails mysteriosly
cdbs (0.4.41) unstable; urgency=low
* Removed _cdbs_bootstrap variable
* Propagate LDFLAGS (,
* Added qmake class (closes: #360589)
* Honor DEB_PYTHON_COMPILE_VERSION when calling dh_python
( (closes: #369335)
* Replaced most uses of := by = in makefiles. This generally gives
more reasonable behavior.
* Added buildcore picture, and integrated it and depgraph into the
* Support for new Python policy (provided by Marc Dequènes)
( (closes: #373628)
-- Reinhard Tartler <email address hidden> Fri, 16 Jun 2006 10:08:15 +0200