cloud-init (18.2-27-g6ef92c98-0ubuntu1~18.04.1) bionic; urgency=medium
* debian/control: add missing dependency on iproute2. (LP: #1766711)
* debian/control: add missing dependency on isc-dhcp-client. (LP: #1766714)
* New upstream snapshot. (LP: #1767412)
- IBMCloud: recognize provisioning environment during debug boots.
- net: detect unstable network names and trigger a settle if needed
- IBMCloud: improve documentation in datasource.
- sysconfig: dhcp6 subnet type should not imply dhcpv4 [Vitaly Kuznetsov]
- packages/debian/ add missing dependency on iproute2.
- DataSourceSmartOS: add locking of serial device. [Mike Gerdts]
- DataSourceSmartOS: sdc:hostname is ignored [Mike Gerdts]
- DataSourceSmartOS: list() should always return a list [Mike Gerdts]
- schema: in validation, raise ImportError if strict but no jsonschema.
- set_passwords: Add newline to end of sshd config, only restart if
- pylint: pay attention to unused variable warnings.
- doc: Add documentation for AliYun datasource. [Junjie Wang]
- Schema: do not warn on duplicate items in commands.
-- Scott Moser <email address hidden> Fri, 27 Apr 2018 12:30:21 -0400