connman (0.42+dfsg-0ubuntu1) karmic; urgency=low
* new upstream release 0.42 with FFe (LP: #444172)
[ Alexander Sack <email address hidden> ]
* LP: #402998 - homepage used in package is outdated; updated to
- update debian/control
* LP: #402999 - add Vcs-Browser to debian/control and change Vcs-Bzr
to read/write location
- update debian/control
* LP: #400576 - Please use compatible mode to provide NetworkManager
dbus interface; ship a /etc/default/connman which enables NM
compatibility mode; also include example how to enable debugging
- add debian/connman.default
* explicitly install init script
- debian/connnman.install
* set --only-scripts parameter for dh_installinit (cdbs)
- update debian/rules
[ Mathieu Trudel <email address hidden> ]
* bump Standards-Version to 3.8.3
- update debian/control
* add GIT_BRANCH, GIT_BRANCH_NAME, DEB_MAJOR_VERSION to support daily builds
- update debian/rules
* Add update-local-branch code to work with local git copies
- update debian/rules
* Revise get-orig-source code, add get-current-source and GET_SOURCE snippets
- update debian/rules
* Handle dfsg special case, add MAKE_DFSG_COMPLIANT snippet
- update debian/rules
* Add pre-build, clean targets
- update debian/rules
* Patch init script to add LSB headers (Closes: #543869)
- add debian/patches/01-init-script-lsb-headers.patch
- update debian/patches/series
-- Mathieu Trudel <email address hidden> Wed, 14 Oct 2009 23:59:04 +0200