debdelta (0.39) unstable; urgency=low
* Reviewed messages printed (at different verbosity levels) .
* Inside the delta, the internal script uses shell pipes,
to reduce usage of temporary files .
* Set Homepage:
* etc/sources.conf : use, thanks to Paul Wise
for the suggestion, and thanks to the Bononia people (Closes: #517942).
* xdelta3 (>= 0y) can use a FIFO for the input source (a.k.a
the old version of the file). When using '--delta-algo xdelta3'
the delta now, in its internal script, can process all old files
in one pipe, w/o using many chunks stored in temporary files. Such
deltas are marked by a new internal feature 'needs-xdelta3-fifo'.
This is disabled by '--disable-feature xdelta3-fifo'
* debdelta/debdeltas : store incomplete delta files as delta_tmp_ , are
renamed when they are completed (and tested, and signed, if required)
debdelta (0.38) unstable; urgency=low
* debdelta-upgrade :
- properly distinguish when prelink fails due to low disk space,
or simply because the file did not need to be unprelinked, or else
- small changes to progress reporting
- -v -d , prints the URI of missing deltas
* debdeltas : huge rewrite
- big speedup in scanning repositories, less disk access
- remove option --clean-alt
- add option --old (note that, if no '--old' arg is specified,
then no deltas will be generated; this is different from
previous versions of debdeltas)
- different meaning of --alt option
- rewrote man page, with many examples
* add new script /usr/share/debdelta/debmirror-deltas (a complex script
that creates a repository of deltas, that can be used by
debdelta-upgrade for upgrading packages in
lenny,squeeze,sid,experimental )
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Sun, 09 May 2010 13:46:32 +0100