debhelper (7.0.17ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low
* Resynchronise with Debian. Remaining changes:
- dh_installudev: Use priority 50 by default (instead of z60) and '-'
separator (instead of '_').
- dh_installxfonts: Use versioned dependency for xfonts-utils. This
should be kept until dapper goes out of support, to avoid broken
dapper backports.
* Stop discarding scrollkeeper-update output; this isn't needed now that
we use rarian-compat.
debhelper (7.0.17) unstable; urgency=low
[ Per Olofsson ]
* dh_auto_install: Fix man page, was referring to dh_auto_clean.
[ Joey Hess ]
* dh_gencontrol: Drop the Homepage field from udebs. Closes: #492719
* Typo. Closes: #493062
* dh_auto_install: Improve check for MakeMaker, to avoid passing PREFIX
if the Makefile was generated by Module::Build::Compat. Closes: #496157
debhelper (7.0.16) unstable; urgency=low
* dh: Avoid passing --with on to subcommands. Closes: #490886
* dh_installchangelogs: When searching for changelog in v7 mode, skip
empty files. Closes: #490937
debhelper (7.0.15) unstable; urgency=low
* dh_clean: Do not delete *-stamp files in -k mode in v7. Closes: #489918
debhelper (7.0.14) unstable; urgency=low
* Load python-support sequence file first, to allow ones loaded later to
disable it.
-- Colin Watson <email address hidden> Sun, 02 Nov 2008 21:54:56 +0000