debhelper (9.20120909ubuntu1) raring; urgency=low
* Merge from Debian unstable, remaining changes:
- Depend on dh-apparmor.
- dh_installinit: Add --upstart-only and --onlyscripts-upstart modes.
- continue to use /lib/init/upstart-job symlinks in Ubuntu, since
insserv is not yet usable with upstart.
- Add autoscripts for above: postinst-upstart-replace,
- autoscripts/postinst-init, autoscripts/postinst-init-restart: Only
call update-rc.d when there's no upstart job.
- autoscripts/postinst-init-nostart: also handle the upstart case;
otherwise we call update-rc.d to add, and again to remove!
- dh_installudev: Change default init.d symlink priority to 40.
- dh_installchangelogs: Do not install upstream changelog in compat
level 7. This floods packages with huge upstream changelogs which
take precious CD space.
debhelper (9.20120909) unstable; urgency=low
* autoscript() can now be passed a perl sub to run to s/// lines of
the script, which avoids problems with using sed, including potentially
building too long a sed command-line. This will become the recommended
interface in the future; for now it can be used by specific commands
such as dh_installxmlcatalogs that encounter the problem.
Closes: #665296 Thanks, Marcin Owsiany
* Updated Spanish man page translation. Closes: #686291
* Updated German man page translation. Closes: #685538
* Updated French man page translation. Closes: #685560
debhelper (9.20120830) unstable; urgency=low
* dh_installcatalogs: Adjust catalog conffile conversion to avoid
dpkg conffile prompt when upgrading from a removed package.
Closes: #681194
-- Adam Conrad <email address hidden> Wed, 07 Nov 2012 13:12:10 -0700