debian-keyring (2009.11.04) unstable; urgency=low
* Replace 0xDADA79CD788A3F4C with 0xC910D9222512E3C7 (Joey Hess) (RT #1819)
* Move 0x1FBB95BF2D9ACC8E (Lars Wirzenius) to emeritus (RT #1824)
* Replace 0x62038A4BDD9B9910 with 0xD04BA3A00125D5C0 (Phil Hands) (RT #1842)
* Replace 0xF426E1B2BE9BF8DA with 0x5ECAFB00A3AE44A4 (Michael O'Connor)
(RT #1847)
* Replace 0x2EA8994049A5F855 with 0xEB70FEF3CDFC6E4F (Otavio Salvador)
(RT #1797, #1867)
* Replace 0x77A954B3E25F2102 with 0x5262E7FF491049FE (Jonas Meurer)
(RT #1859)
* Replace 0x3A0D8AA060F41216 with 0xDBF480C602F946FC (Marcin Owsiany)
(RT #1856)
* Replaced 0x28DEAE7F29982E5A with 0x5759F35001AA4A64 (Steve Langasek)
(RT #1868)
* Add new developer key 0xE6AA90171392B174 (David Paleino) (RT #1869)
* Replaced 0xA24704D5345E3A85 with 0xC5CE5DC2C542CD59 (Adam D. Barratt)
(RT #1870)
* Replaed 0x310180050905E40C with 0x310180050905E40C (Julien Cristau)
(RT #1873)
* Replaced 0x40A5BEED72D03CB1 with 0x1D21C83DC452E0FC (Kenshi Muto)
(RT #1791)
* Replaced 0xC890730FA3F9E30E with 0x9EC002FE1C9CA517 (Michael Schultheiss)
(RT #1799)
debian-keyring (2009.10.02) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
* Move 0xC26D30347C714C78 (René van Bevern) to emeritus (RT #1804)
* Replace 0xBA4E790E2EE20270 with 0xC44E5FFC1335C3A2 (Matthew Grant)
(RT #1810)
* Replace 0xF73509E40AC5BE61 with 0x73401E35B4FBDAA5 (John Hasler)
* Add new developer key 0x371A69E3AE3BE9AA (Giuseppe Iuculano) (RT # 1806)
* Add new developer key 0x18EA7A5DE0FC710D (Jan Hauke Rahm) (RT #1807)
* Further PGPv3 removals
* Import changes sent to HKP interface
* 0x0A300ED090E5CA46 Felipe Augusto van de Wiel <faw> sig:3
* 0x0AA04571D03E3E70 Rene Engelhard <rene> sig:20
* 0x0EA756B5144843F5 Roland Mas <lolando> sig:4
* 0x32286FF8F69C6AC5 Ryan Niebur <ryan> uid:1 sig:2
* 0x3450ED513FCC2A90 Amaya Rodrigo Sastre <amaya> sig:3
* 0x38A0AD5BCACAB118 Jose Luis Rivas Contreras <ghostbar> uid:1 sig:1
* 0x396DA361FE5F1D7F Mathieu Parent <sathieu> uid:1 sig:1
* 0x40A5BEED72D03CB1 Kenshi Muto <kmuto> sig:21
* 0x412B1E31817A996A Tollef Fog Heen <tfheen> sig:39
* 0x4F1A998EDA6AE621 Adeodato Simó <adeodato> sig:15
* 0x58DD3FE299E141B4 Micha Lenk <micha> uid:1 sig:62
* 0x603B832661F9CA53 Paul Martin <pm> sig:3
* 0x632E3DAD46D9CE5A Raphael Geissert <geissert> sig:2
* 0x6692F138ED430BBA Yukiharu Yabuki <yyabuki> uid:1 sig:2
* 0x690D6214A504FECA Tiago Bortoletto Vaz <tiago> uid:2 sig:6
* 0x6AB79ED6C8FDF9C1 Mauro Lizaur <mauro> uid:1 sig:4
* 0x721A2B30C154998C Eugene V. Lyubimkin <jackyf> sig:3
* 0x7853DA4D49881AD3 Stéphane Glondu <glondu> sig:21
* 0x82091D9A5921B5D8 Andrew Mitchell <ajmitch> sig:4
* 0x86E00D0C19A42D19 Dann Frazier <dannf> sig:4
* 0x87D5E190EBC73D63 Miah Gregory <mace> sig:1
* 0xB1A9DD82DC814B09 Javier Fernandez-Sanguino Peña <jfs> sig:102
* 0xC4A5D58EAAAC7BBC Sven Hoexter <hoexter> uid:1 sig:1
* 0xC88157C885C79389 Damien Raude-Morvan <drazzib> uid:1 sig:7
* 0xC90F9CB90E1FAD0C Jo Shields <directhex> uid:1 sig:3
* 0xE544DE079B7C328D Luk Claes <luk> sig:3
* 0xE7D0B098E07586B4 Philip Charles <philipc> sig:3
* 0xF0E9F6BA3CD95104 Kenneth J. Pronovici <pronovic> sig:7
* 0xF7F0E70F307D56ED Noèl Köthe <noel> sig:4
debian-keyring (2009.09.22) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
* Make add-key check if a key exists in other keyring dirs
* Add new developer key 0x32286FF8F69C6AC5 (Ryan Niebur) (RT #1773)
* Add new developer key 0x58DD3FE299E141B4 (Micha Lenk) (RT #1767)
* Add new developer key 0x690D6214A504FECA (Tiago Bortoletto Vaz) (RT #1772)
* Add new developer key 0x38A0AD5BCACAB118 (Jose Luis Rivas Contreras)
(RT #1768)
* Add new developer key 0xE890DD36AF2A4968 (Carl Worth) (RT #1769)
* Add new developer key 0x61C749B1C77828D4 (John Francesco Ferlito)
(RT #1770)
* Add new developer key 0x396DA361FE5F1D7F (Mathieu Parent) (RT #1771)
* Make add-key use sensible-pager when showing the details of the new key
* Add new developer key 0x6AB79ED6C8FDF9C1 (Mauro Lizaur) (RT #1775)
* Add new developer key 0xC88157C885C79389 (Damien Raude-Morvan) (RT #1776)
* Reintroduce test framework from debian-maintainers package
* Add new developer key 0xC90F9CB90E1FAD0C (Jo Shields) (RT #1777)
* Add new developer key 0x6692F138ED430BBA (Yukiharu Yabuki) (RT #1792)
* Add new developer key 0x18147B073BAD2B07 (Olly Betts) (RT #1793)
* Add new developer key 0xCA53F1F68A15CC49 (Takaki Taniguchi) (RT #1794)
* Add new developer key 0xC4A5D58EAAAC7BBC (Sven Hoexter) (RT #1795)
* Add new DM key 0x711430CB2F2BE6D3 (Denis Briand) (RT #1796)
debian-keyring (2009.09.12) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
[Gunnar Wolf]
* Replace 0x804019FAA209C305 with 0xBB20AC20E0B7D6BE (René Mayorga)
(RT #1764)
* Replace 0x49DEF96B0B5AB4E7 with 0x7A8F49E8B63480BE (Kumar Appaiah)
(RT #1763)
* Replace 0xFA08BEAEDED45912 with 0x603B832661F9CA53 (Paul Martin) (RT #1755)
* Replace 0x59273CCD5530EC76 with 0x4DE8FF2A63C7CC90 (Simon McVittie)
(RT #1760)
* Replace Gunnar Wolf's 0xD80EF35A8BB527AF with 0x673A03E4C1DB921F (RT #1765)
[Jonathan McDowell]
* Replace 0x44BB6649F4789B2D with 0x9E2B9967C33F126D (Jon Marler)
* Add new DM key 0xCF49D0E68A2FAFBC (Matthijs Kooijman) (RT #1748)
* Add new DM key 0x965522B9D49AE731 (Christoph Egger) (RT #1749)
* Add new DM key 0xDA8622AE93EBF6D8 (Andrea Veri) (RT #1750)
* Add new DM key 0x6BAFFD62A3623899 (David Bremner) (RT #1751)
* Add new DM key 0x159EB5C4EFC8774C (Benjamin Drung) (RT #1756)
* Add new DM key 0x8E2764373B30EB44 (Francesco Namuri) (RT #1757)
* Add new DM key 0x9D7319316206618C (Harshula Jayasuriya) (RT #1758)
* Add new DM key 0xB6A9BA6AA59B1171 (Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca) (RT #1754)
* Remove 0x14E72485613D3895 (Siggy Brentrup) from extra-keys.pgp
* Update DM key 0x32286FF8F69C6AC5 (Ryan Niebur) (RT #1753)
* Import changes sent to HKP interface
* 0x0EA756B5144843F5 Roland Mas <lolando> sig:2
* 0x3450ED513FCC2A90 Amaya Rodrigo Sastre <amaya> sig:41
* 0x3B32989D00F3CFE4 Gregor Herrmann <gregoa> sig:15
* 0x721A2B30C154998C Eugene V. Lyubimkin <jackyf> uid:1 sig:1
* 0x751AB5DDA79679CC Jimmy Kaplowitz <jimmy> sig:18
* 0x7853DA4D49881AD3 Stéphane Glondu <glondu> uid:1 sig:6
* 0x7C3B797088C7C1F7 Steve McIntyre <93sam> uid:1 sig:102
* 0x7F55BB12A40F862E Neil McGovern <neilm> sig:20
* 0x867BF9A9FBD3EB8E Robert Collins <robertc> sub:1 sig:3
* 0x86E00D0C19A42D19 Dann Frazier <dannf> sig:8
* 0xE544DE079B7C328D Luk Claes <luk> sig:30
* 0xF7F0E70F307D56ED Noèl Köthe <noel> sig:52
* 0xF9935424B1DF9A57 Giacomo Catenazzi <cate> sig:3
debian-keyring (2009.09.06) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
* Add replacement key 0x2AFBD67FD133AC6E for Martin Meridith (RT #1666)
* Add new developer key 0x721A2B30C154998C (Eugene V. Lyubimkin) (RT #1726)
* Replace James Troup with Gunnar Wolf in Uploaders.
* Replace 0xFE1F5E2FD1E2B16F with 0x7F36CF55AA87AA77 (Soeren Sonnenburg)
(RT #1457)
* Replace 0x9A3EBA3FF61F73F8 with 0x8E889544D985000D (Bastian Venthur)
(RT #1462)
* Replace 0x6CC69AC26868F41F with 0x3355F4D63B5821CC (Bart Martens)
(RT #1627)
* Update debian/copyright to indicate current maintenance (Bug#544738)
* Replace 0xF7B2C1C1B345BDD3 with 0x7F55BB12A40F862E (Neil McGovern)
(RT #1504)
* Replace 0xEAE3DC35F0D7D44A with 0x751AB5DDA79679CC (Jimmy Kaplowitz)
(RT #1692)
* Replace 0x0641D82AE3E3CE1D with 0xCA87E9E82AAC33F1 (Alexander GQ Gerasiov)
(RT #1702)
* Replace 0x2BC8401620687895 with 0x3CCEBABE206C3B69 (Daniel Silverstone)
(RT #1723)
* Move 0x50B69C9F398B371D (Joe Nahmias) to removed (revoked key)
* Replace 0xB7F68E1C797E641D with 0x85199DE8C6648E90 (Benn Pfaff) (RT #1732)
* Remove 0x86BCABFF1C00C790 (Mehdi Dogguy) from DM keyring (RT #1742)
* Remove 0x060F2876FCE03DAA (Stephane Glondu) from the DM keyring (RT #1743)
* Replace 0x64A7C0A7F2CF01A8 with 0x3A936196C095D941 (Bdale Garbee)
(RT #1725)
* Add new DM key 0xA4AB763B00EC886F (LIU Qi) (RT #1745)
* Replace 0xEFD64D0912066207 with 0xE7BFC8EC95861109 (Ben Hutchings)
(RT #1735)
* Import changes sent to HKP interface
* 0x0A300ED090E5CA46 Felipe Augusto van de Wiel <faw> sig:3
* 0x0AA04571D03E3E70 Rene Engelhard <rene> sig:124
* 0x0EA756B5144843F5 Roland Mas <lolando> sig:2
* 0x21B9575CA7D91602 Andrew Pollock <apollock> sig:161
* 0x29BE5D2268FD549F Martin Michlmayr <tbm> sig:12
* 0x33BE1A0A8C2ED8FF Mehdi Dogguy <mehdi> uid:1 sig:9
* 0x3B32989D00F3CFE4 Gregor Herrmann <gregoa> sig:20
* 0x40A5BEED72D03CB1 Kenshi Muto <kmuto> sig:19
* 0x4121C7433170EBE9 Nobuhiro Iwamatsu <iwamatsu> uid:1 sig:157
* 0x6436436109F34024 Danai Sae-Han <danai> uid:1 sig:1
* 0x76478107233B9EA0 Laurent Bigonville <bigon> sig:189
* 0x7853DA4D49881AD3 Stéphane Glondu <glondu> uid:2 sig:31
* 0x9306C9BCDAF1054C Maitland Bottoms <bottoms> sig:3
* 0x94FA372B2DA8B985 Jonathan McDowell <noodles> sig:13
* 0x9D78D71186BC2A50 Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz> uid:1 sig:2
* 0xA73E0055558FB8DD Jan Dittberner <jandd> sig:56
* 0xE2EDE84371473F66 Todd Troxell <ttroxell> sig:5
* 0xE3AA82D81B352C01 Chris Hanson <cph> sig:19
* 0xE5273D986BE3C423 Paul Wise <pabs> sig:7
* 0xE619045DF2AC729A Raphaël Hertzog <hertzog> sig:93
* 0xF985E3400AFC7476 Russ Allbery <rra> sig:21
* 0xFA08BEAEDED45912 Paul Martin <pm> sig:18
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Mon, 30 Nov 2009 19:05:39 +0000