dhcdbd (2.0-5ubuntu1) gutsy; urgency=low
* Merge to Debian unstable. Remaining Ubuntu changes:
- debian/rules: Install dhclient-exit-hook.d script as 'zzzz_dhcdbd'
instead of 'dhcdbd', so that it is ran as last script.
Otherwise it gets called before 'zzz_avahi-autoipd' and thus
network-manager doesn't pick up the fact that
avahi-autoipd is running on the interface.
- debian/dhcdbd.{preinst,postinst,postrm}: Do the renaming on upgrades,
take care to avoid the dpkg conffile question if the script was not
modified, and gracefully handle aborted upgrades. This needs to be kept
until the next LTS.
- debian/dhcdbd.{preinst,postinst,postrm}: Change the event.d -> init.d
migration from 24dhcdbd to 22dhcdbd, since we used the latter priority
in Ubuntu. This needs to be kept until the next LTS.
dhcdbd (2.0-5) unstable; urgency=low
* debian/patches/50-dynamic-timeout.patch
- Prevent high frequency polling in the main loop by using a
dynamic timeout. This should allow longer periods of sleep with a
dyntick enabled kernel. (Closes: #425500, #424030)
Patch by Keith Packard.
dhcdbd (2.0-4) unstable; urgency=low
* Install the dhcdbd start script as regular SysV init script
- Rename debian/dhcdbd.dbus-event to debian/dhcdbd.init.
- Add proper LSB header to debian/dhcdbd.init
- debian/rules
+ Don't install /etc/dbus-1/event.d/24dhcdbd anymore.
+ Set DEB_DH_INSTALLINIT_ARGS to start at 24 and stop at 16.
- debian/dhcdbd.{preinst,postinst,postrm}
+ Remove the old conffile /etc/dbus-1/event.d/24dhcdbd on upgrade. If it
was modified locally, rename it to *.dpkg-bak instead.
- debian/dhcdbd.prerm
+ Removed. Stopping dhcdbd in prerm is now automatically added by
dhcdbd (2.0-3) unstable; urgency=low
[ Riccardo Setti ]
* Added debian/patches/30-pid-file-mode.patch:
- Create pid file with sane mode. (thank you slomo)
* Added debian/patches/40-dbus-connection.patch:
- Unref shared connections, don't close them. (thank you slomo)
[ Michael Biebl ]
* Add XS-Vcs-* fields to debian/control.
-- Martin Pitt <email address hidden> Tue, 12 Jun 2007 15:49:57 +0200