diakonos (0.8.12-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* Explicitly call ruby1.9.1
Depend on ruby1.9.1 and use "#! /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1" rather than
"#!/usr/bin/env ruby" since diakonos only works with ruby1.9.1 (Closes:
#573636) [thanks Daiki Ueno for fix and working on patch] [thanks Nate
Bargmann (bug report), and Evgeni Golov]
diakonos (0.8.12-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* new upstream version, see upstream changelog, amongst the upstream changes
is dropping of support for ruby 1.8 (upstream version number retained)
* move ruby 1.9 branch to 1.9.1 from 1.9.0, required for Squeeze
(Closes: #569864)
* ruby 1.8 install removed, no run enforced by upstream changes
* diakonos help had issue with matching filenames (adding color codes), temp
fix, refer issue back upstream
* man page touched
* debian/control build-depends calls debhelper, include ${misc:Depends}, fix
lintian warning
* update standards version 3.8.4 (from of 3.8.1)
-- Lucas Nussbaum <email address hidden> Fri, 19 Mar 2010 21:26:58 -0400