digitemp (3.5.0ds1-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Taking over Jesus Roncero in maintainership with his permission
* New upstream release (Closes: #474031)
(repackaged as the upstream tarball contained the compiled programs, also
for Windows. The resulting .tar.gz is about half of the original size)
* Debian packaging remade from scratch
- Acknowledge NMU (Closes: #461576)
- debhelper compatibility switched to 7 (previous level undefined)
* formatting issues in the digitemp.1 manpage (Closes: #350809)
(also fixes a lintian's warning, thanks to Nicolas François for the patch)
* Bumped standard version to 3.8.0
- debian/control: Moved Homepage field from description to source section
- updated DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS support to debian/rules
- adjusted Makefile so we can tweak CFLAGS from debian/rules
-- Aanjhan Ranganathan <email address hidden> Wed, 20 Aug 2008 10:16:41 +0100