djbdns (1:1.05-2) unstable; urgency=low
* debian/djbdns.NEWS.Debian: add note that ./run scripts in already
existing service directories most probably need to be adapted when
upgrading from << 1:1.05.
* debian/control: Standards-Version:
djbdns (1:1.05-1) unstable; urgency=low
* debian/implicit: add proper dependencies to support 'parallel build'
through make -j (thx Daniel Schepler for the patch).
* debian/changelog: add epoch 1 to supersede unofficial package.
* debian/rules: remove target configure:; use glibc by default instead
of dietlibc; install programs into /usr/bin/.
* debian/gcc/: remove; obsolete.
* debian/control: no longer Build-Depends: dietlibc-dev.
* debian/rules: run dpkg-shlibdeps; remove debian/substvars in target
* debian/rules: use 'gcc -O2 -g -include /usr/include/errno.h' for
* debian/diff/ new;
hier.c: don't install /etc/
* debian/rules: new target patch: apply patches from debian/diff/;
reverse apply in target clean:.
* debian/rules: target install: force-remove install, instcheck before
rebuilding to avoid race.
* debian/rules: fix up directory permissions /usr/, /usr/bin/.
* debian/control: remove reference to unofficial packages from the
* debian/control: no longer Recommends: djbdns-doc; no longer Depends:
daemontools, ucspi-tcp, make, but Recommends: them; Recommends:
daemontools-run | runit; Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}.
* debian/djbdns-man/: new; add manpages downloaded from
* debian/rules: install manpages from debian/djbdns-man/ into
/usr/share/man/man1/ and /usr/share/man/man8/.
* debian/copyright: rewrite copyright.
* debian/djbdns.README.Debian: redo.
* debian/control: Standards-Version:
* debian/rules: install updated debian/, instead of
* debian/control: update short and long description.
* upload to Debian/main (closes: #453680).
* debian/djbdns.README.Debian: add note about daemontools' default
directory for services is /etc/service/.
* debian/djbdns.NEWS.Debian: new; package introduced to Debian/main,
mention how to put on hold if upgrade from non-free is not desired.
* debian/djbdns-man/dnsipq.1, debian/djbdns-man/dnstxt.1: typo.
* debian/control: Replaces: djbdns-doc.
djbdns (1.05-zarge2) sarge; urgency=low
* build against sarge's dietlibc-dev (0.28-3).
djbdns (1.05-zarge1) sarge; urgency=low
* debian/rules: minor cleanup.
* debian/implicit: update to revision 1.10.
* debian/djbdns.conffiles: new; /etc/
* debian/control: typo in description.
djbdns (1.05-zarge0.4) sarge; urgency=low
* debian/control: Depends: make (thx Thomas Mangin); no longer
Build-Depends: dephelper; remove Standards-Version.
* debian/rules: stop using debhelper, use implicit rules.
* debian/implicit: new; implicit Makefile rules.
* debian/README.Debian, debian/docs: rename to debian/ucspi-tcp.*.
* debian/dirs: remove; obsolete.
* debian/copyright: minor.
djbdns (1.05-zarge0.2) sarge; urgency=low
* use diet libc.
* debian/rules: set up diet program as c compiler wrapper; conditionally
overwrite PATH to have diet program used as c compiler wrapper; minor
* debian/gcc/gcc*: new; diet program as c compiler wrapper.
* debian/control: Build-Depends: dietlibc-dev; no longer Depends:
${shlibs:Depends}; minor cleanup.
djbdns (1.05-woody1) woody; urgency=low
* bump version for release.
djbdns (1.05-woody0.1) woody; urgency=low
* woody package; new Standards-Version: 3.5.2.
djbdns (1.05-1) stable; urgency=low
* new upstream version 1.05.
* switched to _recommend_ djbdns-doc (not depend on).
* dist stable.
djbdns (1.04-1) unstable; urgency=low
* new upstream version 1.04.
djbdns (1.03-1) unstable; urgency=low
* new upstream version 1.03.
djbdns (1.02-0.2) unstable; urgency=low
* dependencies, cleanup.
djbdns (1.02-0.1) unstable; urgency=low
* Initial Release.
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Wed, 07 May 2008 10:25:42 +0100