ekiga (2.0.1-0ubuntu1) dapper; urgency=low
* New upstream release:
- Added back StaticPicture in the druid and use the default Ekiga logo
when no picture is specified.
- Use only 1 FPS when transmitting the StaticPicture to spare bandwidth.
* debian/
- bumped Dependencies on opal and pwlib.
* debian/patches/01_lpi.dpatch,
- added LPI patch.
ekiga (1.99.1-2.dapper.5388) ubuntu-dapper; urgency=low
* SVN snapshot for the pkg-voip team.
Mail <email address hidden> in case of problems.
ekiga (1.99.1-3) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
[ Loic Minier ]
* Document changes below.
[ Kilian Krause ]
* Add get-orig-source target.
ekiga (1.99.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
[ Kilian Krause ]
* debian/control: make sure Sarge backports run through smoothly (version on
evolution-data-server-dev removed).
[ Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo ]
* debian/copyright: Add notion of LGPL parts and MPL exemption.
-- Daniel Holbach <email address hidden> Wed, 15 Mar 2006 09:05:37 +0100