ekiga (3.0.1-1ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low
* Merge to Debian experimental, to get Ekiga 3. (LP: #274085) Remaining
Ubuntu changes:
- Launchpad Integration: (Ubuntu specific)
+ debian/ Add liblaunchpad-integration-dev build dependency.
+ Add ubuntu_lpi.patch: Call launchpad_integration_add_items() in main() and
check for the launchpad-integration pkg-config module.
+ Add autoconf.patch: autoconf changes from above patch.
- Add ubuntu_desktop-file-onlyshowin.patch: Show ekiga in Mobile, too.
(Ubuntu specific).
- debian/ Add missing fdupes build dependency for identical
GNOME help file symlinking. (Debian #505536)
* Drop 42_change_pixmaps.dpatch: Many of the old icons do not exist any
more, some have been replaced, and keeping the remaining three would make
them look very inconsistent.
* Convert our dpatches to quilt patches and rewrite them for new upstream
* Add migrate_2.0_settings.patch: Properly migrate settings from
2.0. Taken from upstream SVN, thanks to Damien Sandras!
ekiga (3.0.1-1) experimental; urgency=low
[ Eugen Dedu ]
* New version. (Closes: #500089).
* Add our own changelog file in /usr/share/doc.
* Remove gnomemeeting transitional package.
* Discover new interfaces. (Closes: #488199).
* Compile with dbus support. (Closes: #467212).
* Numeric keypad inserts digits at correct position. (Closes: #440159).
* Use libnotify upon call. (Closes: #412604).
* Symlink identical GNOME help files, to reduce size. (Closes: #505536).
* Explicitely build-depends on a few dev packages, even if they were
pulled out anyway by the other dependencies.
[ Loic Minier ]
* Use clean:: instead of clean: in rules.
* Don't disable Uploaders: generation for -> control generation
in rules.
* Fix some tabs which were size 4 anyway.
* Generate a PO template during build by calling intltool-update -p in
install; thanks Ubuntu and Martin Pitt; closes: #505535.
* Also let the -dbg depend on ${misc:Depends}.
* Cleanup rules; in particular, use dpkg-parsechangelog and honor
distclean/clean failures, remove old clean rules, commented out stuff,
gtk-only stuff.
* Pass -s to dh_* in binary-arch.
* Use debian/*.links and debian/*.manpages instead of symlink manually or
passing files to dh_installman.
* Use in copyright.
* Switch to quilt and fix target deps in the process; build-dep on quilt
instead of dpatch; rename news.dpatch to 00_news.patch and refresh;
replace 00list with series.
* Install autotools-dev config.guess and .sub after patching.
-- Martin Pitt <email address hidden> Sun, 07 Dec 2008 10:30:45 -0800