evolution (3.2.3-0ubuntu1) precise; urgency=low
* New upstream release.
* Merge with Debian unstable; remaining changes:
- debian/control:
- Add libpst-dev to Build-Depends (required for pst-import).
- Add python-dev to Build-Depends to support building the python plugin.
- Add liblaunchpad-integration-3.0-dev to Build-Depends.
- Update Vcs-* fields.
- debian/rules:
- use --disable-scrollkeeper, --enable-python configure options.
- enable the pst import plugin (via removing --disable-pst-import).
- run autoreconf.
- debian/patches:
- 01_ubuntu_signature.patch: don't set the ubuntu signature as default
for new accounts.
- 02_fix_missing_include_for_composer.patch: add a missing include for
composer to build.
- 03_lpi.patch: launchpad-integration patch.
- 04_delay_alarm_notifier.patch: delay alarm-notifier by 30 seconds.
- 09_add_ubuntuone_email.patch: add patch to add Ubuntu One introduction.
- 10_desktop_shortcuts.patch: fix the calendar shortcut to appear in the
- 11_remove_upstream_submit_bugreport.patch: Remove 'Submit Bug Report'
option from Help menu.
- 61_translate_menu_entry.patch: quite some users search their email
client in the internet category and not the office one.
- 62_no_upstream_email_notification_by_default.patch: don't enable the
notification icon by default since the message indicator is running.
- 89_remove_component_id_registration.patch: ignore -c component gconf
registration on launching just "evolution".
- 89_remove_quit_button.patch: remove prominent quit button on calendar
for evolution express.
- 91_add_u1_email_translations.patch: fix french u1 email not having
sender nor title.
- 93_no_tray_icon_by_default.patch: default to not having a tray icon for
calendar alarms since Unity doesn't have a notification area.
- onlyshowin-add-unity.patch: add Unity to the OnlyShowIn field in
desktop files.
- spamd_sbin_path.patch: correct the path to spamd as /usr/sbin/spamd.
- 99git_remove_g_thread_init_09c88ab.patch: backport the removal of
g_thread_init(); to allow building 3.2.2 on Precise.
- nss-paths.patch: get evolution to look at the right place for nssckbi;
to load built-in SSL certs.
- debian/evolution.gconf-defaults: Disable systray for alarms, as Unity
doesn't have a systray. Use popup windows instead.
- debian/evolution-common.install: install to generate the
"Sent from Ubuntu" signature.
- debian/evolution.install: install the python plugin.
- debian/evolution.manpages: install manpages for csv2vcard and
* debian/patches/10_task_from_mail.patch: dropped, applied upstream.
* debian/patches/11_save_duplicate.patch: dropped, applied upstream.
* debian/patches/12_sanitize_filename.patch: dropped, applied upstream.
* debian/patches/13_deprecated.patch: dropped, applied upstream.
* debian/patches/14_crash_importer.patch: dropped, applied upstream.
* debian/patches/15_mailto_suspicious.patch: dropped, applied upstream.
* debian/patches/16_none_server.patch: dropped, applied upstream.
* debian/patches/17_view_threads.patch: dropped, applied upstream.
* debian/patches/18_open_calendar.patch: dropped, applied upstream.
* debian/patches/19_crash_bbdb.patch: dropped, applied upstream.
* debian/patches/20_print_download.patch: dropped, applied upstream.
-- Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre <email address hidden> Wed, 11 Jan 2012 13:45:09 +0100