Change log for fillets-ng package in Ubuntu

121 of 21 results
Published in mantic-release
Published in lunar-release
Published in kinetic-release
Published in jammy-release
Obsolete in impish-release
Obsolete in hirsute-release
Obsolete in groovy-release
Published in focal-release
Deleted in focal-proposed (Reason: moved to Release)
fillets-ng (1.0.1-4build2) focal; urgency=medium

  * No-change rebuild for libgcc-s1 package name change.

 -- Matthias Klose <email address hidden>  Sun, 22 Mar 2020 16:40:23 +0100

Available diffs

Superseded in focal-release
Obsolete in eoan-release
Obsolete in disco-release
Obsolete in cosmic-release
Published in bionic-release
Deleted in bionic-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
fillets-ng (1.0.1-4build1) bionic; urgency=high

  * No change rebuild to pick up -fPIE compiler default

 -- Balint Reczey <email address hidden>  Tue, 03 Apr 2018 12:22:58 +0000
Superseded in bionic-release
Obsolete in artful-release
Obsolete in zesty-release
Obsolete in yakkety-release
Published in xenial-release
Deleted in xenial-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
fillets-ng (1.0.1-4) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Update my name/email address.
  * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6.
  * Switch debian/rules to dh style, update to debhelper 9.

 -- Rhonda D'Vine <email address hidden>  Thu, 14 Jan 2016 09:03:07 +0100

Available diffs

Superseded in xenial-release
Obsolete in wily-release
Obsolete in vivid-release
Obsolete in utopic-release
Published in trusty-release
Deleted in trusty-proposed (Reason: moved to release)
fillets-ng (1.0.1-3) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Evgeni Golov ]
  * Correct Vcs-* URLs to point to

  [ Alexander Reichle-Schmehl ]
  * Removed myself from uploaders.

  [ Damyan Ivanov ]
  * include PNG icon as binary, thanks to source format 3.0
   (Closes: #730900 -- uudecode invocation error during build)
  * apply wrap-and-sort
  * drop sharutils from b-d
  * point VCS headers to the Git repository
  * add keywords entry to the desktop file
  * declare conformance with Policy 3.9.5

 -- Damyan Ivanov <email address hidden>  Tue, 03 Dec 2013 15:25:21 +0200

Available diffs

Superseded in trusty-release
Obsolete in saucy-release
Obsolete in raring-release
Obsolete in quantal-release
fillets-ng (1.0.1-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * add patch from Guillem Jover migrating to Lua 5.1 (Closes: #674621)
  * source format 3.0 (quilt), autoreconf, adjust build-deps
  * activate hardenning flags
  * add German translation to .desktop file from Ronny Standtke (Closes:
  * add Bulgarian translation to .desktop file
  * Standards-Version: 3.9.3 (no changes needed)
  * Add myself to Uploaders
  * Translate application name in .desktop file to Bulgarian

 -- Damyan Ivanov <email address hidden>  Sun, 17 Jun 2012 14:43:28 +0300

Available diffs

Superseded in quantal-release
Published in precise-release
fillets-ng (1.0.1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
  * Bump to Standards-Version 3.9.2.
  * Switch from BSD license to WTFPLv2.
  * Add recommended targets build-arch and build-indep to debian/rules.
  * Change Depends on fillets-ng-data to >= 1.0.0 to allow backports.
  * Switch from conflicts on fillets-ng-data-cs to breaks.
 -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Mon,  17 Oct 2011 09:16:45 +0000

Available diffs

Superseded in precise-release
Obsolete in oneiric-release
Obsolete in natty-release
fillets-ng (1.0.0-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
  * Bump fillets-ng-data versioned depends to 1.0.0.
  * Remove ancient Replaces on follets-ng-data.
  * Add alternative suggests on fillets-ng-data-nl.
  * Bump to Standards-Version 3.9.1.
 -- Gerfried Fuchs <email address hidden>   Wed,  09 Feb 2011 13:17:18 +0000

Available diffs

Superseded in natty-release
Obsolete in maverick-release
Obsolete in lucid-release
fillets-ng (0.9.3-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release, including fix for FTBFS with respect to fribidi
    change (closes: #571381)
  * Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.4.
  * Note down licensing of debianization as BSD.
  * Add ${misc:Depends} to dependencies.
 -- Charlie_Smotherman (porthose) <email address hidden>   Fri,  26 Mar 2010 17:38:34 +0000

Available diffs

Superseded in lucid-release
fillets-ng (0.9.2-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
  * Bump to Standards-Version 3.8.3.
 -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Mon,  23 Nov 2009 18:26:32 +0000

Available diffs

Superseded in lucid-release
fillets-ng (0.9.1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
  * Bumped to Standards-Version 3.8.2.
  * Switched to debhelper 7 compat layer, using dh_prep instead of
    dh_clean -k.
  * Build-Depend on autotools-dev, copy config.{guess,sub} before configure
    run and remove them in clean target.

 -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Thu,  05 Nov 2009 05:57:53 +0000

Available diffs

Superseded in lucid-release
Obsolete in karmic-release
fillets-ng (0.9.0-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release (closes: #533145)
  * Bumped to Standards-Version 3.8.1.
  * Remove deprecated dh_desktop call.

 -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Thu,  18 Jun 2009 08:32:12 +0100

Available diffs

Superseded in karmic-release
fillets-ng (0.8.1-2) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Gerfried Fuchs ]
  * Upload to unstable (closes: #521008)
  * Updated watch file to use sf redirector.

Available diffs

Superseded in karmic-release
Obsolete in jaunty-release
Obsolete in intrepid-release
fillets-ng (0.8.0-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Adding pkg-config to build-depends, fixing problem of libfribidi not
    beeing fround during configuring, thanks to Lucas Nussbaum for detecting
    the problem.
  * Applying patch from Evgeni Golov to add missing #include statements to
    make it really build with gcc-4.3; thanks! (Closes: #417187)

 -- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden>   Fri,  02 May 2008 02:00:47 +0100
Superseded in intrepid-release
Obsolete in hardy-release
fillets-ng (0.8.0-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * The "happy new year" new upstream release (Closes: #457932).

  [ Cyril Brulebois ]
  * Added Vcs-Svn and Vcs-Browser fields in the control file.

  [ Jon Dowland ]
  * add Homepage: control field to source stanza

  [ Gerfried Fuchs ]
  * Updated dependencies on data packages in control file.
  * Add quilt to Build-Depends, adding the following patch:
    - gcc-4.3-fix: Add missing #include statements to make it compile with gcc
      4.3 (Closes: #417187)
  * Really removed fabian from uploaders.
  * Remove Homepage from binary description field.
  * Bump Standards-Version, no changes needed.
  * Remove obsolete Encoding entry from desktop file.

 -- Tomer Chachamu <email address hidden>   Fri,  04 Jan 2008 09:50:06 +0000
Superseded in hardy-release
fillets-ng (0.7.4-3) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Eddy Petrișor ]
  * modifications in the desktop file
    - PuzzleGame was not a valid category, added LogicGame instead
    - added a Romanian translation of the Comment

  [ Alexander Schmehl ]
  * upload to unstable
  * remove fabian linzberger from uploaders; he doesn't seem interested
    anymore :(
  * adding libfribidi-dev to build depends, fillents-ng can make use of that
    * Thanks to Steinar Gunderson for noticing it
  * Adding XS-Vcs-Svn and XS-Vcs-Browser Headers

Superseded in hardy-release
Obsolete in gutsy-release
Obsolete in feisty-release
Obsolete in edgy-release
fillets-ng (0.7.3-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * Adding conflicts to fillets-ng-data < 0.7.1-1 because of the moved
  * Only suggesting fillets-ng-data-cs
    (aptitude will pull in recommends, but not suggests; -data-cs
    doesn't need to be installed by default)

Superseded in edgy-release
fillets-ng (0.7.3-1.1ubuntu1) edgy; urgency=low

  * Merge from debian unstable.

Superseded in edgy-release
Obsolete in dapper-release
fillets-ng (0.7.3-1ubuntu1) dapper; urgency=low

  * Added a .desktop file to the package

 -- Emmet Hikory <email address hidden>   Mon, 15 Jan 2006 17:06:07 +0900
Superseded in dapper-release
Superseded in dapper-release
fillets-ng (0.7.3-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release
  * Flags show language tips (Closes: #323288)
  * Updated Standards-Version: to 3.6.2
  * Updated postal address of the FSF in copyright file

 -- fabian linzberger <email address hidden>  Wed,  5 Oct 2005 11:11:51 +0200
Obsolete in breezy-release
fillets-ng ( unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release

 -- fabian linzberger <email address hidden>  Sun,  5 Jun 2005 15:25:08 +0200
Obsolete in hoary-release
fillets-ng (0.6.0-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release

 -- fabian linzberger <email address hidden>  Sun, 10 Oct 2004 21:54:56 +0200
121 of 21 results