findutils (4.2.31-3ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low
* Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
- debian/locate-cron.daily: add IONICE_CLASS/PRIORITY variable usage.
findutils (4.2.31-3) unstable; urgency=low
* Add a note about the separate locate package to findutils' NEWS.Debian.
README.Debian only talks about locate. Move it to the correct package,
update contents. Closes: #453002
* locate needs a Replaces: findutils (<< 4.2.31-2), since the helper
binaries in /usr/lib/locate/ are shipped in both packages. Closes: #453078
* Rename /etc/cron.daily/find to /etc/cron.daily/locate. Use "export foo
bar" instead of "export foo ; export bar". (Thanks, jidanni).
Closes: #453490
findutils (4.2.31-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Merge changes from 4.3.8-1 to 4.3.8-3 to unstable:
+ Split off locate/updatedb to a separate package.
(resulting description change Closes: #448523)
+ Drop misnamed /etc/updatedb.conf and include its contents in cron.daily
file. (updatedb.conf only configured the cronjob, but not any
invocation of updatedb. (Closes: #342713). Allow keeping customization
in a separate /etc/updatedb.findutils.cron.local (Closes: #344213)
+ Set cronjob IO scheduling to idle. (Thanks, Alberto Marmodoro)
(Closes: #448398)
+ Use alternatives to manage /usr/bin/locate and /usr/bin/updatedb.
(Closes: #57748)
+ Remove orphaned locate related conffiles on findutils upgrade as
described in
+ In findutils.postinst remove locate database unless locate is installed.
-- Kees Cook <email address hidden> Thu, 06 Dec 2007 15:05:32 -0800