firefox-granparadiso (3.0~alpha7-0ubuntu1) gutsy; urgency=low
* New upstream release 3.0 alpha7: many thanks to Fabien Tassin
<email address hidden> who did all the hard work to
get resurrect this dead beast.
[ Fabien Tassin ]
* Add debian/patches/granparadiso-profilename changing profile name
from ~/.mozilla/firefox to ~/.mozilla/firefox-granparadiso.
The startup script will try to initialize that new profile by
using existing firefox profile, keep the later untouched.
* Update debian/patches/series accordingly
* update debian/rules to force --disable-system-cairo until we figure out
what's causing the assert/crash on shutdown. See LP Bug #122735.
* resurect -dev package for Firefox's SDK:
update debian/control and debian/firefox-granparadiso-dev.install,
add debian/firefox-granparadiso-dev.links.
* LP #122737 - Update debian/firefox-granparadiso.links fixing a typo in
the searchplugins path.
* rename debian/patches/fix_make_install.patch to
debian/patches/bz389673_fix_make_install.patch (Mozilla Bug #389673)
and apply as first patch (re-order)
* rename debian/patches/granparadiso-fsh to
debian/patches/granparadiso-appname changing $MOZ_APP_NAME
instead of the previous paths substitution difficult to maintain
* update debian/patches/series to reflect patch re-ordering
and patch renames
* update debian/firefox-granparadiso.install and
debian/firefox-granparadiso.links reflecting Alpha7 new
* update debian/patches/fix_nsinstall_on_double_slash.patch to preserve
the initial (upstream) multiple trailling slashes pruning used for mkdir()
* drop debian/ and set DEB_AUTO_UPDATE_DEBIAN_CONTROL=0
in debian/rules (below the includes as the value is overwritten
* update Build-Depends in debian/control
* empty -dev package to reflect upstream change:
clean firefox-granparadiso-dev.install and update debian/control
[ Alexander Sack ]
* debian/patches/fix_toolkit_xre_install.patch don't explicitly install
* debian/rules: drop --with-system-png configure option as
configure is now hard about the fact that we don't have apng
support in our system-png library; previously it just silently
used the in-source png, so now its more explicit - which is not
really bad. TODO: investigate if we want apng support in
system-png shipped by ubuntu.
-- Alexander Sack <email address hidden> Fri, 10 Aug 2007 16:10:44 +0200