flightgear (1.9.1-1ubuntu1) karmic; urgency=low
* Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
- Add 48x48 icon
+ add flightgear.xpm in debian/
+ add icon copyright's information in debian/copyright
- Modify Maintainer value to match Debian-Maintainer-Field Spec
- Fix .desktop file to be freedesktop compliant
- General clean-up:
+ Add usr/share/pixmaps and usr/share/applications in debian/dirs
+ removal of all platform specific README in the package
* Fix several lintian warnings:
- debian-watch-file-missing-version
- debian-rules-ignores-make-clean-error
- build-depends-on-obsolete-package build-depends: xlibmesa-gl-dev, libglu1-xorg-dev
* Fix FTBFS in utils/GPSsmooth/UGear_command.cxx, no patch system
=> resides in .diff.gz
* Still has several lintian warnings that should be fixed by maintainer.
flightgear (1.9.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release. Closes: #510387.
* Updated debian/control and things for FlightGear 1.9.1.
This includes depending on plib 1.8.5. Closes: #528635.
* Added Vcs-Browser and Vcs-Svn fields to debian/control.
* Converted debian/watch to version 3. Closes: #529110.
-- Morten Kjeldgaard <email address hidden> Tue, 23 Jun 2009 18:04:02 +0200