gdm (2.19.4-0ubuntu2) gutsy; urgency=low
* Sync with Debian
* debian/
- Breaks on packages using the previous socket location
- Build-Depends on cdbs, libgtk2.0-dev (>= 2.6.0), libxi-dev
- don't Build-Depends on quilt
- Depend on kbd | console-tools for fgconsole
- Depends on alsa-utils for gdmplay
- Recommends ubuntu-artwork | edubuntu-artwork | xubuntu-default-settings,
- the package in maintained by the desktop team on Ubuntu
* debian/, debian/gdm.dirs, debian/gdm.install:
- don't install the Debian theme
* debian/gdm.init:
- use the Ubuntu init version
* debian/patches/01_xconfigoptions.patch:
- patch configure to use "-br" (Ubuntu: #12985).
* debian/patches/01_xrdb_nocpp.patch:
- call xrdb with the "nocpp" option (Ubuntu: #14268).
* debian/patches/04_menu_changes.patch:
- don't display some of the menu items
* debian/patches/06_no_conffile_diff_due_to_comment_change.patch:
- don't change comments to gdm.conf-custom to not get a conffile change
on upgrade (Ubuntu: #92302)
* debian/patches/10_noxkeepcrashing.patch:
- option NoXKeepsCrashing to disable all XKeepsCrashing code.
* debian/patches/11_powermanagement.patch:
- add hibernate action
* debian/patches/15_usplash.patch:
- Log that we're starting up gdm before stopping usplash. If usplash was
running, don't bother logging successful startup, as it will look
weird on the console.
- If usplash was running, wait a short while for the active console to
change after starting up gdm, to try to avoid visible console noise
from later init scripts
* debian/patches/16_configure_menu_item.patch:
- drop the configure option from gdmsetup, it's not sudo friendly
* debian/patches/17_icons_for_menu.patch:
- use icons for the menu
* debian/patches/18_combo_box_language_selector.patch:
- use a combo box for the language selector
* debian/patches/19_remove_drop_shadows.patch:
- removed the black drop shadow from GDM windows,
* debian/patches/20_timedlogindelay_min_value_change.patch:
- change minimal TimedLoginDelay to 1 (Ubuntu: #84239)
* debian/patches/35_gdm.conf.patch:
- SuspendCommand=/usr/sbin/pmi action sleep
- HibernateCommand=/usr/sbin/pmi action hibernate
- SoundProgram=/usr/lib/gdmplay
- GtkTheme=Human
- ConfigAvailable=false
- BackgroundColor=#dab08
- GraphicalThemedColor=#dab082
* debian/patches/41_config-files.patch:
- dropped, don't use Debian configuration file location hack
* debian/patches/42_timed-login.patch,
- dropped, the bug is fixed in the current version
* debian/patches/56_xnest-wrapper.patch:
- updated
* debian/patches/57_gdm-is-local.patch:
- updated
* debian/patches/59_standard-x-server-detection.patch:
- dropped, not required
* debian/patches/70_mandatory-relibtoolize.patch:
- updated
* debian/patches/90_workaround_init_color.patch:
- set the color to use in the PreSession to workaround a bug
* debian/rules:
- use the Ubuntu cdbs version
-- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden> Tue, 24 Jul 2007 16:33:17 +0200