gdm (2.20.0-0ubuntu1) gutsy; urgency=low
* New upstream version:
- Now support --with-atspi-dir so you can specify a non-default
directory where the at-spi-registryd daemon exists.
- Improve keymouselistener a11y gesture listener so it does not
fail on Ubuntu, and does a better job freeing memory. Fix
dwellmouselistener a11y gesture listener so it doesn't generate warnings.
- Fix bug in IPv6 logic. Fixes bug #376010.
- Fix Macedonian language so the language choice also appears in
the local language
- Translation updates
* debian/
- updated the Build-Depends
* debian/patches/35_gdm.conf.patch:
- use UseCirclesInEntry=true (LP: #138460)
* debian/patches/70_mandatory-relibtoolize.patch:
- updated
* debian/rules:
- use --with-atspi-dir=/usr/lib/at-spi (LP: #135903)
-- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden> Tue, 18 Sep 2007 16:13:52 +0200