gdm (3.5.90+git20120827.b558e179-0ubuntu1) quantal; urgency=low
[ Fabien Tassin ]
* New upstream release (LP: #1042495)
* Sync with Debian. Remaining changes:
* debian/*:
- rename the package from gdm3 to gdm
- comment out everything from debian/greeter.gsettings
to get the Gnome Shell experience
* debian/rules, debian/gdm.{postinst,postrm,init}:
- change back user/group from Debian-gdm to gdm
- update the lib name and gir path from libgdmgreeter to libgdm
- update one pam profile name after the upstream rename of
gdm-welcome to gdm-launch-environment
* debian/rules:
- drop --with-selinux (unrecognized options) and --with-pam-domain
(unknown without 10_gdm_pam.patch - dropped below)
- add --with-initial-vt=7 (see 06_first_vt.patch)
- add --without-systemdsystemunitdir
* debian/control*:
- update to Standards-Version 3.9.3, no additional changes needed.
- add libplymouth-dev to build-depends
* debian/patches/*:
- 04_reload_config.patch: dropped, applied in new version
- 05_debug_xserver_core.patch: dropped, applied in new version
- 06_first_vt.patch: dropped, replaced with --with-initial-vt=7
- 08_frequent-users_greeter.patch: updated
- 09_default_session.patch: updated
- 10_gdm_pam.patch: dropped
- 16_xserver_path.patch: dropped
- 17_switch_on_finish.patch: dropped, applied in new version
- 18_parametrize_create_display.patch: dropped, applied in new version
- 19_static_transient_display.patch: dropped, applied in new version
- 20_switch_kill_greeter.patch: dropped, applied in new version
- 21_static_display_purge.patch: dropped
- 22_noconsole.patch: updated
- 23_start_polkit.patch: dropped, applied in new version
- 91_shell_version_control.patch: dropped
- 92_gsettings_path.patch: dropped
- 93_private_lib.patch: updated
* Merge changes from Ubuntu 3.0.4-0ubuntu16:
- add debian/gdm.upstart (updated to run the main binary, and
update the dconf profile)
- add debian/gdm.preinst
- add debian/{xterm,xsession}.desktop
- merge debian/{gdm,gdm-autologin}.pam
- merge debian/gdm.config tweak for lightdm
- merge debian/gdm.init changes
- debian/patches:
- add ubuntu_run_xsession.d.patch
- add ubuntu_dont_catch_sigsegv.patch (updated)
- add ubuntu_upstart_event.patch
- add ubuntu_no_debug.patch
- add ubuntu_xresources_is_a_dir.patch
- add ubuntu_no_LANG_setting_in_Xsession.patch (updated)
- drop ubuntu_plymouth.patch (upstream)
* TODO: the following Ubuntu patches need to be ported:
- 30_don_t_save_failsafe_session.patch
- 33-multi-keyboard-layouts.patch
- 42_no_ecryptfs_autologin.patch
- ubuntu_guest_session.patch
[ Rico Tzschichholz ]
* New upstream git snapshot (avoids needing to add several git patches)
* debian/gdm.{postinst,postrm}:
- add symlink gdm-password to gdm pam profile (LP: #1042052)
- use /run directly instead of /var/run symlink
* debian/gdm.install:
- don't install debian/Xsession, prefer the upstream version
* debian/gdm.upstart:
- bail if kernel command-line contains "text"
* debian/rules,debian/patches:
- use --with-check-accelerated-directory=/usr/lib/gnome-session,
- 07_libexec-paths.patch: updated, partly replaced by
--with-check-accelerated-directory and --with-consolekit-directory
[ Jeremy Bicha ]
* debian/ Update dependencies from Debian
gdm3 (3.4.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Fix typo in dconf-tools dependency version. Closes: #678961.
* Use --no-create-home and --quiet for addgroup/adduser calls.
Closes: #675809.
* 05_debug_xserver_core.patch: patch from upstream git. Make the X
server dump core when debugging is enabled. Closes: #651693.
* 06_first_vt.patch, 20_switch_kill_greeter.patch: refreshed.
* 90_config_comments.patch: more comments with useful options.
* Add references to patches.
* 02_xnest_wrapper.patch: disabled.
* 04_reload_config.patch: patch from upstream git. Get SIGHUP to
actually reload the configuration.
* gdm3.init: send SIGHUP to get reload to work.
gdm3 (3.4.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Jordi Mallach ]
* Update po-up/ca.po.
[ Josselin Mouette ]
* gdm3.init: remove .ICEauthority before starting. Closes: #648666.
* x11-common will now include xhost code to give access to the
local user if xhost is installed (see #586685).
+ Depend on the appropriate x11-common version.
+ Depend on x11-xserver-utils so that it actually works.
* New upstream release.
* Updated build-dependencies: nss, glib.
* 01_language.patch: dropped, merged upstream.
* 04_no_fatal_criticals.patch: dropped, obsolete.
* 07_libexec-paths.patch: removed unused variables/files.
* 08_frequent-users_greeter.patch: reworked according to upstream
* 10_gdm3_pam.patch: updated for the new version. Do not prefix the
PAM files for multistack, they have new names anyway.
* 14_pam_dialog.patch: dropped, upstream merged an improved version.
* 18_parametrize_create_display.patch: updated for the new version.
* 19_static_transient_display.patch: unfuzzed.
* 29_grep_path.patch: dropped, merged upstream.
* 91_dconf_override.patch: dropped, the configuration generation has
completely changed.
* 93_xdg_data_dirs.patch: dropped, similar functionality merged
* Drop the dconf-gsettings-backend dependency.
* greeter.gconf-defaults:
+ Drop the g-p-m setting.
* greeter.gsettings:
+ Force gdm-fallback as the default session.
+ Document how to use gdm-shell.
+ Document how to change the background. Closes: #655328.
* rules:
+ Generate xx_upstream.gschema.override from the new
00-upstream-settings file (much simpler).
+ Remove /etc/dconf from the installed files.
+ Drop all development libraries/headers.
+ Explicitly disable introspection.
+ (All of this can be shipped in separate packages if actual
packages start using this library.)
+ Explicitly disable split authentication, it will not work properly
with the Debianized PAM stack.
+ Remove the associated PAM files.
+ Disable dh_makeshlibs.
+ Install the dconf stuff in /usr/share/gdm.
* gdm3.postinst:
+ Remove the old gsettings file upon upgrade.
* gdm3.links:
+ Remove the old gsettings link.
* gdm3.init:
+ Replace the gsettings generation by a dconf-based one.
+ Do a conversion for the configuration file so that it remains
* 92_gsettings_path.patch: updated to force the dconf directory to be
in the GDM runtime directory.
* gdm3.install:
+ Stop installing MIME files by hand.
* 93_private_lib.patch: new patch. Install the shared library in a
private directory.
* Break gnome-shell < 3.2 for correct shell support.
* Suggest gnome-shell.
* Require g-s-d and metacity, they are no longer optional. Requiring
g-s-d 3.2 Closes: #656384.
* Require d-conf 0.10.0-4 to configure the dconf path and parse
defaults in order.
[ Laurent Bigonville ]
* debian/gdm3.pam, debian/gdm3-autologin.pam: Call pam_selinux pam module
(Closes: #661289)
* debian/gdm3.pam, debian/gdm3-autologin.pam: Call pam_loginuid pam module
(Closes: #661745)
[ Josselin Mouette ]
* New upstream release.
+ Features the incredible capability to not try endlessly to start
up X servers when they fail to start.
Closes: #580627, #610826, #650183.
* Move login manager defaults from gconf to gsettings.
+ Now we use full path for the icon.
* Add the metacity default to gsettings too.
* Require a metacity version which supports gsettings.
* Get rid of anything related to GConf.
* Use dh maintscript support to remove the old GConf config file.
* Force disable systemd support.
* 06_first_vt.patch, 17_switch_on_finish.patch: refreshed.
* 07_libexec-paths.patch:
+ Use the binary path as provided by g-s-d.pc.
+ Add a check for gnome-session, which is also used.
* 10_gdm3_pam.patch: handle the bucket of FAIL that is hardcoding the
service name in various places since split authentication was
* 18_parametrize_create_display.patch,
19_static_transient_display.patch, 20_switch_kill_greeter.patch,
21_static_display_purge.patch: adapt to systemd/multiseat changes.
* Require dconf 0.12.1-2.
*{inst,rm}: add a gdm-welcome PAM service, which is now
needed for the login session. It's just a symlink.
* 91_shell_version_control.patch: new patch, Debian-specific. Add
strict version checking for gnome-shell in order to go to the fall
back session in case of potential incompatibility.
* 93_private_lib.patch: also install the typelib file in the private
directory, and drop the gir file.
* gdm3.dirs: /usr/lib/gnome-shell
* rules:
+ Remove pre-built gdm.schemas which includes incorrect settings.
+ Enable introspection.
+ Instruct dh_girepository to look at the typelib file in the right
+ Add symbolic links for the library and typelib in the gnome-shell
directory so that it can use them.
* Add gir (build-)dependencies.
* 23_start_polkit.patch: new patch. Start the policykit agent in the
fallback session. Otherwise reboot/shutdown does nothing when
someone is logged on.
gdm3 (3.0.4-4) unstable; urgency=low
[ Michael Biebl ]
* debian/watch:
- Update to version 3.
- Track .xz tarballs.
- Don't run uupdate.
[ Josselin Mouette ]
* Build-depend on gnome-settings-daemon so that its plugins are
correctly listed.
* Note this is a critical security fix, but does not affect testing.
* Also closes: #630482.
gdm3 (3.0.4-3) unstable; urgency=low
* Upload to unstable.
* Drop Build-Depends on libpolkit-gobject-1-dev and libpolkit-gtk-1-dev.
* Refresh patches.
* Bump debhelper compatibility level to 8.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2. No further changes.
* debian/greeter.gsettings: Don't set wallpaper from desktop-base, as we
don't have a hard dependency on desktop-base which can lead to a broken
desktop background.
gdm3 (3.0.4-2) experimental; urgency=low
* Document how to change the GSettings settings in README.Debian.
* greeter.gsettings: add an example of how to disable the sound.
Closes: #628858.
* 06_first_vt.patch: update to add Hurd support. Closes: #629366.
* 18_switch_kill_greeter.patch, 20_endsession_respawn.patch: replaced
by a series of cleaned up upstream patches.
+ 17_switch_on_finish.patch: add the switch-on-finish property to
+ 18_parametrize_create_display.patch: allow the daemon to create an
arbitrary type of display.
+ 19_static_transient_display.patch: share the respawn logic between
static and transient displays.
+ 20_switch_kill_greeter.patch: here is the code that kills the
unnecessary greeter if we support -novtswitch.
+ 21_static_display_purge.patch: the last missing change in the
upstream patches, purges static displays just as transient
* Pass --with-vt-switch-workaround on non-Linux architectures.
* 01_language.patch: replaced by a new version from upstream. Only
sets the variables when non-empty.
gdm3 (3.0.4-1) experimental; urgency=low
* New upstream bugfix & security release.
* Require accountsservice 0.6.12.
* 07_libexec-paths.patch, 91_dconf_override.patch: updated for the new
* 93_xdg_data_dirs.patch: new patch. Add /usr/share/gdm to
* debian/gdm3.install: install the dummy desktop handler and the
mimeapps.list to /usr/share/gdm/applications.
* rules: clean them from /var.
-- Fabien Tassin <email address hidden> Tue, 28 Aug 2012 12:26:39 -0400