gecko-mediaplayer (1.0.0-0ubuntu3) oneiric; urgency=low
* Don't use any Mozilla interfaces at all. The only interfaces used
previously were nsIPrefBranch and nsIPrefService to change a preference
which configured the UA string to "QuickTime/7.6.4". This functionality
is Firefox specific anyway, and so doesn't work in any Webkit based browser
(Chromium, Epiphany, Midori etc). It also doesn't work in Firefox 4
and later since the plugin is running in a separate process, where setting
prefs in the plugin process has no effect on the browser process at all
- add debian/patches/dont_use_libxul.patch
- add debian/patches/autotools.patch
- update debian/patches/series
- update debian/control to build-depend on firefox-dev
- see
desktop-o-mozilla-rapid-release-maintenance and
-- Chris Coulson <email address hidden> Fri, 27 May 2011 15:19:19 +0100