gimp (2.4.0~rc3-1ubuntu1) gutsy; urgency=low
* Resynchronized with Debian.
* Remaining Ubuntu changes:
- 02_help-message.patch, Distro changes.
- Weave i18n magic in the rules file.
- Munge Maintainer field as per spec.
* Ubuntu changes dropped:
- 10_dont_show_wizard.patch: Unused, upstream doesn't call it anymore.
- Use dh_icons.
* Disabled the print plugin, and removed the Conflicts/Replaces on
gimp (2.4.0~rc3-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release
- Fixes crash after migrating old Extended Input settings (Closes: #439509)
- Fixes crash on converting color space (Closes: #439511)
- Script-fu now handles non-UTF8 characters better (Closes: #442277)
* Conflict & Replaces with gimp-print and update NEWS.Debian to reflect
the change
* Fix menu entry to point to XPM icon (Really Closes: #441177)
gimp (2.4.0~rc2-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* Explicitly build-depend on liblcms1-dev
* Explicitly remove *.la files in debian/rules
* Add a note in NEWS.Debian about unnecessary gimp-print
* Make libgimp2.0 recommend gimp-data for the locale data,
since it's mostly only messages used in gimp itself.
* Install XPM for menu icon (Closes: #441177, #237637, #77625)
* Add back 02_help-message.patch to show a better error message when
gimp-help-* isn't installed
* Put icons into gimp-data, and call dh_icons from debian/rules
* debian/patches/03_zoom-crash.patch:
- Apply patch from upstream to fix zooming on images with abnormal
dimensions (Closes: #441409)
-- Steve Kowalik <email address hidden> Sun, 30 Sep 2007 18:06:49 +1000