gnome-orca (2.91.4-0ubuntu1) natty; urgency=low
* New upstream release
- General:
+ Fix for bug #637667 - Speech Settings in a profile are not always
+ Fix for bug #637653 - In a new setup, the Orca Preferences window
no longer gets focus.
+ Fix for bug #637661 - We should be careful when using run() in Orca
dialogs because we can become unresponsive.
+ Fix for bug #637670 - Speech is getting broken up into separate
utterances when it should not be.
+ Fix for bug #637662 - The label serving as static text in the
Save Profile As dialog should be removed.
+ Fix for bug #637665 - The 'Active Profile' label in the Preferences
dialog should have a shortcut.
+ Fix for bug #637654 - Several changes need to be made to the
Save Profile As widgets.
+ Fix for bug #637637 - The Save Profile As dialog should not be
setting accessible names for non-visible children.
+ Fix for bug #570650 - Profiles and new settings manager.
+ Fix for bug #637551 - Pressing help in the Orca Preferences dialog
should put you in the Preferences help.
+ Work on bug #631123 - Orca documentation needs to be updated, converted
to Mallard, augmented, and moved to the Orca module.
+ Fix for bug #637115 - Orca needs to have Miramar added to the list of
names for thunderbird scripts.
+ Fix for bug #637422 - bookmarkCurrentWhereAmI() is not presenting roles
+ Fix for bug #636824 - Orca is at the mercy of speech-dispatcher's default
- New and updated translations (THANKS EVERYONE!!!):
+ es Spanish Jorge González
+ hu Hungarian Attila Hammer
+ et Estonian Ivar Smolin
* debian/patches/01_add_ubiquity-script.patch: Refresh
* debian/control: Add python-yaml and gnome-doc-utils build dependencies
-- Luke Yelavich <email address hidden> Wed, 05 Jan 2011 12:12:25 +1100