gnome-phone-manager (0.60-3) unstable; urgency=low
* unstable upload.
* debian/control: added build-dep on libglade2-dev. (Closes: #518949)
* debian/control: changed the build dep on libgnokii4-dev to libgnokii-dev.
(the rename of libgnokii-dev has been made to follow a debian release team
gnome-phone-manager (0.60-2) experimental; urgency=low
* debian/control: replaced libgnokii3-dev build-dep with libgnokii4-dev.
(Closes: #516613)
* debian/copyright: general clean-up. Removed useless copyright informations
of autogenerated files, and removed the quote of an email from the author
explaining a missing copyright header issue in some files (now the problem
is solved).
* debian/copyright: replaced the (C) symbol with © one.
* debian/control: removed build-dep on quilt, no patches present or needed.
* debian/rules: removed the cdbs include regarding quilt.
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Wed, 29 Apr 2009 00:12:31 +0100