gnome-power-manager (2.13.91-0ubuntu3) dapper; urgency=low
* 25-magical-buttons:
- Add hibernate button support to gpm-manager
Closes: malone #31932
* 40-schema-defaults:
- Add a hibernate button schema item
* 45-suspend-warning-dialog-and-sleep-button-combo:
- Add an 'is' to battery-critical label
* 80-suppress-policy-timeout:
- Add support to suppress the critical action after resume also
* 95-do-not-suppress-warnings-on-ac
- Permit warnings to reset when on ac power
Closes: malone #32644
* 96-STOLEN-FROM-CVS-critical-warnings
- Ensures the critical power warning is relevant to the action
- Performs critical action as a g_timeout rather than a g_usleep
- I added a check just before performing the action to abort it if
we're on AC by the time the critical action occurs.
Closes: malone #32632
Closes: malone #32630
Closes: malone #32250
-- Daniel Silverstone <email address hidden> Sat, 25 Feb 2006 08:56:30 +0000