gnome-session (2.15.1-0ubuntu1) edgy; urgency=low
* Sync with Debian
* New upstream version:
Session Manager
- Use libgnomeui functions instead of libegg
- Fix "try again" dialog never disappearing
- Fix crash in 64 bits computers
- Reduce default verbosity
- Mindu Dorji (dz)
* Renamed some patches to use .patch instead of .diff
* debian/
- Build-Depends on sharutils, libdbus-1-dev, libdbus-glib-1-dev
- don't Build-Depends on sng
- don't Recommends desktop-base
- gnome-session Depends on gnome-power-manager
* debian/gconf-defaults:
- use the Ubuntu splash
* debian/gnome-session.install:
- don't install the Debian sng
* debian/gnome-wm:
- fix for openbox.
* debian/patches/01_fix_autostart_edition.patch:
- patch from Vincent Untz, fix the autostart edition
* debian/patches/02_no_warning_crash.patch:
- don't crash on warning, users expect stability
* debian/patches/03_powermanagement.patch:
- powermanagement features.
* debian/patches/06_silent_option.patch:
- define a --silent option,
patch from
(Ubuntu: #30384)
* debian/patches/08_menu-change.patch:
- the session options are in "Desktop Preferences".
* debian/patches/09_splash_hide.patch:
- fix some issue with splashscreen staying on screen when not needed.
* debian/patches/10_update_notifier:
- added update-notifier to the list of known applications
(closes ubuntu #9316)
* debian/patches/11_session_dialog.patch:
- new session dialog by Manu Cornet <email address hidden>
* debian/patches/12_shaped_splash.patch:
- shape for splash
* debian/patches/13_smoother_fading.patch:
- updated patch from
* debian/patches/15_no_login_sound_possible.patch:
- allow to use no login sound
* debian/patches/17_autoconf.patch:
- configure update to apply the changes to build with dbus and dbus-glib
* debian/patches/18_desensitize_buttons_correctly.patch:
- update the sensibility of the buttons correctly (Ubuntu: #40207)
* debian/patches/18_startup_edit_all.patch:
- patch by Gary Coady <email address hidden>
- make startup files edition possible (Ubuntu: #40673)
* debian/pixmaps:
- icons for the new dialog, by Manu Cornet <email address hidden>
* debian/rules:
- don't use sng
- install the icons for the new dialog
-- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden> Mon, 10 Jul 2006 14:55:46 +0200