gnome-settings-daemon (2.30.1-1ubuntu1) maverick; urgency=low
* Merge with Debian unstable, remaining Ubuntu changes:
* debian/
- Drop libxrandr-dev and libxrender-dev build-deps
- Build-depend on libpulse and libcanberra
- Build-depend on libappindicator-dev
- Add Vcs-Bzr link
- Recommend pulseaudio
* debian/rules:
- Run autotools on build
- Don't disable the pulseaudio use
- Build and install gnome-update-wallpaper-cache
* debian/gnome-settings-daemon.gconf-defaults:
- Enable tap_on_click and disable_while_typing on by default,
it's the less confusing behaviour for user and was the consensus
during the discussion on the lists
- Ensure that touchpad settings are migrated to the new
config where appropriate
- Use subpixel rendering and slight hinting as the default
* debian/gnome-settings-daemon.install:
- Don't move the autostart to a non standard directory as debian
- Install dbus service
- Don't move the autostart to a non standard directory as debian
* debian/gnome-update-cache-wallpaper.c:
- enable creating a cached wallpaper even when g-s-d or nautilus isn't
running. Used in ubiquity in install mode
* debian/patches/02_fix_randr.patch:
- Correctly apply the xrandr settings.
* debian/patches/05_disable_corner_tapping.patch:
- Disable corner tapping when disabling tap to click
* debian/patches/06_use_application_indicator.patch:
- Use the new application indicator system
* debian/patches/07_dont_display_autostart.patch:
- Don't show the gnome-settings-daemon autostart in the session capplet,
the description is confusing and it's a required component
* debian/patches/10_fn-F7.patch:
- Fix handling of fn-F7 (xrandr) when xev timestamp is later than server
* debian/patches/16_use_synchronous_notifications.patch:
- Use synchronous notifications when they are supported
* debian/patches/20_gstreamer.patch:
- Don't use this debian change but rather the upstream code version
* debian/patches/40_xres_lcddefault.patch:
- subpixel font rendering broken with new cairo
* debian/patches/70_migrate_touchpad_config.patch:
- Ensure that touchpad settings are migrated to the new
config where appropriate
* debian/patches/70_relibtoolize.patch:
- Not required, now run autotools on build
* debian/patches/71_fix_ldsm_notification_crash.patch:
- Don't access free'd memory if a volume is unmounted whilst the
dialog is displayed
* debian/patches/91_bugzilla_update_touchpad_icons.patch:
- Use correct touchpad svg icons
* debian/patches/91_update_gvc_source.patch:
- Update gvc copy using the current gnome-media version to fix a leak issue
* debian/watch:
- Watch unstable series
-- Robert Ancell <email address hidden> Thu, 10 Jun 2010 12:49:47 +1000