gnome-system-tools (2.15.5-0ubuntu5) edgy-updates; urgency=low
* No-change upload to edgy-updates.
* Thanks to Simon Law for verifying the fix.
gnome-system-tools (2.15.5-0ubuntu5~prop2) edgy-proposed; urgency=low
* debian/patches/22_root_only.dpatch:
- src/shares/nautilus/nautilus-shares.c: Call shares-admin with gksu in
the nautilus extension. Closes: LP#76055
- src/shares/shares-tool.c: Temporarily drop to sudo user uid in
gst_shares_tool_init(), since the various oobs_*_config_get() functions
access the user's session bus (which hangs when being called as
root). This is the same patch as previously applied to time-tool.c.
gnome-system-tools (2.15.5-0ubuntu5~prop1) edgy-proposed; urgency=low
* Add debian/patches/22_root_only.dpatch:
- *.desktop files: Execute programs through gksu.
- src/time/time-tool.c: If executing through sudo as root, temporarily
switch real user id to SUDO_UID, so that we can connect to the actual
user's session dbus for disabling the screensaver. Attempting to connect
to root's nonexisting session dbus just hangs.
- This reintroduces checking of the user's password to defend against
viruses and trojans modifying system settings, and also removes the
dependency to the 'admin' system group.
- Closes: LP#59946
-- Martin Pitt <email address hidden> Fri, 26 Jan 2007 17:23:01 +0100