go-md2man 1.0.5-1 source package in Ubuntu


go-md2man (1.0.5-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Update to 1.0.5 upstream release, with improved man page rendering:
     - Disable hyphenation
     - Disable justification (adjust text to left margin only)
     - Fix output for bulleted lists and numbered lists
     - Escape initial apostrophe and period to prevent a line of text
       from being misinterpreted as a request/macro, leading to
       "warning: macro 'xxx' not defined" and missing text.
  * Use architecture instead of alternatives in Build-Depends because
    sbuild ignores alternatives in Build-Depends (Closes: #785649). 
  * Remove Depends: golang-go from -dev package so it can be used by
    other Go packages on gccgo-only platforms.
  * Revise debian/watch to skip upstream v1.tar.gz, which for some reasons
    the current uscan thinks is the latest... :-p
  * Add Lintian override for statically-linked-binary
  * Add myself to the list of Uploaders

 -- Anthony Fok <email address hidden>  Wed, 13 Jan 2016 16:30:40 -0700

Upload details

Uploaded by:
Debian Go Packaging Team
Uploaded to:
Original maintainer:
Debian Go Packaging Team
linux-any all
Medium Urgency

See full publishing history Publishing

Series Pocket Published Component Section
Xenial release universe misc


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
go-md2man_1.0.5-1.dsc 2.2 KiB b6f04cf1e1884ee087706734d969f26532d20edfe5b9596b4758ff09c485ddf8
go-md2man_1.0.5.orig.tar.gz 3.4 KiB 43bb398622e2621a1c8d5c306d1649dc4a2de28aac4885fcd8f6cee84f8dc118
go-md2man_1.0.5-1.debian.tar.xz 2.9 KiB 8b2d1701466365a7bfc4e526315c0c024bd5d82493d56b53226890c9d3118cc0

Available diffs

No changes file available.

Binary packages built by this source

go-md2man: utility to create manpages from markdown

 Turns Markdown into manpages, which is really handy for people
 that don't want to learn how to make manpages from stuff like DocBook.
 This package contains the conversion binary.

go-md2man-dbgsym: debug symbols for package go-md2man

 Turns Markdown into manpages, which is really handy for people
 that don't want to learn how to make manpages from stuff like DocBook.
 This package contains the conversion binary.

golang-github-cpuguy83-go-md2man-dev: utility to create manpages from markdown (source)

 Turns Markdown into manpages, which is really handy for people
 that don't want to learn how to make manpages from stuff like DocBook.
 This package contains the source.