gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg ( unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream pre-release:
+ Upload to unstable for the ffmpeg transition.
+ Plugin correctly declares itself as GPL licensed now (we're linking
against ffmpeg versions with GPL'ed code).
+ debian/patches/02_debian-ffmpeg.patch:
- Dropped, merged upstream.
gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg ( experimental; urgency=low
* New upstream pre-release, requiring ffmpeg from experimental:
+ debian/patches/01_debian-ffmpeg.patch,
- Dropped, merged upstream.
+ debian/control:
- Build depend on libswscale-dev.
+ debian/patches/01_new-codec-ids.patch:
- Add codec ID mapping for Ogg Vorbis.
+ debian/rules:
- Don't build with -Werror.
+ debian/patches/02_debian-ffmpeg.patch:
- Fix build with Debian's ffmpeg.
gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg (0.10.3-7) experimental; urgency=low
* debian/patches/05_ffmpeg_mux_api_fixes.patch
+ Added. Adapt to some API changes in ffmpegs muxing (From upstream CVS)
* debian/control:
- build-depend on a version >= 0.svn20080206 of the various ffmpeg bits
- Drop the libavutil-dev build-depend it's brought in by libavcodec-dev
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Thu, 22 May 2008 08:19:23 +0100