gweled (0.7-2ubuntu5) hardy; urgency=low
* debian/patches/music_preference.diff:
- Add an option to disable the music (LP: #90499); thanks to Lionel
* debian/patches/xdg_pref.diff:
- Place the configuration file inside ~/.config/ instead of directly
into the home directory, to follow FD.o's recommendations and to
workaround a issue which the previous patch would cause otherwise
(LP: #201509); thanks to Lionel Dricot.
* debian/patches/desktop-file.diff
- Remove the deprecated Encoding field.
- Improve the Comment and add a Catalan translation of it.
* debian/, debian/control:
- Bump Standards Version to 3.7.3.
- Add a Homepage field to the Source stanza.
- Change "Gnome" in the long description to be all-uppercase.
- Raise the debhelper dependency's minimum version to 5.0.51~, as
older versions don't include dh_icons.
* debian/copyright:
- Change formatting and make lintian happy about "Author(s)".
- Add the copyright statement (found in src/callbacks.c) and the
full GPL header.
* debian/menu:
- Quote needs and section's values as suggested by linda and lintian.
* debian/rules:
- Add a dh_icons call.
-- Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals (RainCT) <email address hidden> Mon, 07 Apr 2008 20:34:42 +0200