hal-info (20071030-1ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low
* Merge with Debian unstable; remaining Ubuntu changes:
- 01_dell_cdrom_nopoll.patch: Re-introduce disabling of
Dell Inspiron laptop CD-ROMs (GCC-4240N), since due to a weird hardware
bug they cause extreme slowdown. (LP #48499)
- 02_hardware_brightness_fixups.patch: All known Dell laptops control
display brightness in hardware at the moment, not just the Latitude D420.
(Patch by Matthew Garrett)
- 03_feiya_memory_bar.patch: Removed Feiya Memory Bar from
10-usb-music-players.fdi since it is often not a music player.
(LP #90286)
hal-info (20071030-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release.
* The Vcs-* fields are now officially supported, so remove the XS- prefix.
hal-info (20071011-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release.
* debian/watch
- Update to new download location at
* debian/patches/01-remove_useless_configure_check.patch
- Remove useless check for hal >= 0.5.10 at configure time.
* debian/control
- Use the new "Homepage:" field to specify the upstream URL.
- Bump Conflicts: hal to << 0.5.10. This hal-info version uses new
fdi-directives (like *_outof) which aren't supported by older hal
-- Martin Pitt <email address hidden> Wed, 14 Nov 2007 18:55:38 +0100