ifupdown ( trusty; urgency=low
* Merge from Debian. Remaining changes:
- If the /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf file is present
but doesn't have the "ifupdown:managed" the previous upload instructed
the iniparser to return -1, which evaluates to TRUE. We instead instruct
it to return 0, as we shouldn't prevent ifupdown from managing the
interfaces in that case, as NM won't either. (LP: #281984)
- Remove /etc/default/networking as the upstart job doesn't use it and
can't really use it without some significant changes (support exclusion
lists in all the upstart jobs).
- Add transition code for moving /etc/init.d/networking from netbase
to ifupdown.
- Make /etc/init.d/networking exit 1 immediately on Upstart system
with an error message telling the user to use 'service'.
- Always call dhclient with -1, Ubuntu carries a patch so that renewal
won't time out.
- On upgrade from 0.7.5ubuntu4, handle the fact that our unmodified
conffile may have a mismatch in the dpkg database and manually
shuffle the file around on upgrade. LP: #1217263.
- Fix testbuild.linux (missing
ifupdown ( unstable; urgency=low
* Rebuild to avoid useless dependencies on sysv-rc and file-rc.
* Don't pass deprecated arguments to update-rc.d.
-- Stephane Graber <email address hidden> Wed, 08 Jan 2014 16:48:32 -0500