initramfs-tools (0.85eubuntu35) hardy; urgency=low
* hook-functions: Do not display find error messages if firmware directories
cannot be found. (LP: #153743)
* scripts/functions: Remove unneeded quotes. These were causing multiple
mountroot fail hook entries to be run as one command.
* scripts/local: Panic if the root device node cannot be found, or vol_id
can't identify the volume on the device. This allows mdadm's mountroot fail
hook to be reliably triggered, as the md device node exists even if the
array cannot be brought up.
* init: Add 2>&1 to the run-init line at the end of the file, to fix a long
outstanding bug where init has no stderr.
* scripts/local-premount/resume: Source /scripts/functions, thanks to
Nikolaus Filus for the patch. (LP: #203429)
-- Luke Yelavich <email address hidden> Thu, 10 Apr 2008 00:48:51 +1000