inkscape (0.48.5-2ubuntu1) utopic; urgency=medium
* Merge with Debian Unstable (LP: #1358863). Fixes several Ubuntu bugs:
- Illustrator CS SVG won't load: namespace URIs in entities (LP: #166371)
- inkscape crashed with SIGSEGV in
sp_dtw_color_profile_event() (LP: #966441)
- inkscape crashed with SIGSEGV (LP: #1051017)
- inkscape crashed with SIGSEGV in Inkscape::Preferences::_getNode()
(LP: #1163241)
- save a copy reverts to save as (LP: #529843)
- Extension to braille not working on Xubuntu 12.10 (LP: #1090865)
* Remaining changes:
- debian/control:
+ Set Ubuntu Developer as maintainer,
+ build-depend on dh-translation to handle Ubuntu translation,
+ demote pstoedit from Recommends to Suggests (because it's in universe),
- debian/patches/0006_add_unity_quicklist_support.patch: add.
- debian/patches/series: update.
- debian/rules:
+ add dh_translation to handle Ubuntu translation
* Drop debian/patches/librevenge.patch (superseded by
inkscape (0.48.5-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* debian/patches/: patchset updated
- 0006-Update_to_new_libwpg.patch added (Closes: #753430)
Thanks to Rene Engelhard (rene) for the patch.
* debian/control: build-dependencies updated
- librevenge-dev added
- libwpd-dev (>= 0.9.0) dropped
- libwpg-dev (>= 0.2.0) bumped to libwpg-dev (>= 0.3.0)
* debian/: dh-autoreconf usage applied
inkscape (0.48.5-1) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Luca Bruno ]
* debian/rules: fix FTBFS on alpha (Closes: #738155)
[ Mattia Rizzolo ]
* debian/patches/: patchset updated against v0.48.5
- 0004-Fix_FTBFS_on_gcc-4.8.patch refreshed
- 0005-Fix_FreeType_include.patch dropped (applied upstream)
- 0006-Fix_FTBFS_on_poppler-0.26.patch dropped (applied upstream)
- 0005-Fix_FTBFS_due_to_tests.patch added
[ Matteo F. Vescovi ]
* Imported Upstream version 0.48.5
-- Alex Valavanis <email address hidden> Tue, 19 Aug 2014 19:10:32 +0100