iptables-persistent (0.5.1) unstable; urgency=low
* [f62ef8] Depend on lsb-base (Closes: #608531)
* [82ba5d] Improve package description
* [90bce5] Only autosave rules on first package installation, not on
* [f60a5e] Debconf templates and debian/control reviewed by the
debian-l10n-english team as part of the Smith review project.
(Closes: #610169)
* [f542f6] Debconf translation to Danish (Closes: #610264)
- thanks to Joe Dalton
* [f7b486] Debconf translation to Portugese (Closes: #610277)
- thanks to Américo Monteiro
* [f73645] Debconf translation to Czech (Closes: #610325)
- thanks to Michal Simunek
* [3ac07a] Debconf translation to Italian- thanks to Vincenzo
* [1677c1] Debconf translation to Russian (Closes: #610643)
- thanks to Yuri Kozlov
* [c4a068] Debconf translation to French (Closes: #610677)
- thanks to Steve Petruzzello
* [70cfba] Debconf translation to German (Closes: #610646)
- thanks to Chris Leick
* [d0a8f6] Debconf translation to Swedish (Closes: #611150)
- thanks to Martin Bagge
* [cbdac5] Debconf translation to Brazillian Portugese
(Closes: #611437)- thanks to Adriano Rafael Gomes
* [1d3bf1] Debconf translation to Spanish (Closes: #611714)
- thanks to Ricardo Fraile
* [0eb3ca] Correctly save IPv6 rules during startup (Closes: #613368)
iptables-persistent (0.5) unstable; urgency=low
* [e1e1a6] debian/rules: fix regression installing init script for
systems that have not been converted to dependency-based start
(Closes: #608383)
* [ac615c] Load rules from /etc/iptables/rules.v4 instead of
/etc/iptables/rules for consistency, and rename the rules file
appropriately to keep local modifications. (Closes: #608382)
* [9c0df7] During installation, prompt the user to save the current
* [a48ed9] iptables-persistent.init: show useful progress messages
using LSB functions, and implement a "save" action for the lazy^w
efficient admin
* [6db04e] Update README
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Sat, 30 Apr 2011 12:56:18 +0000